Aug 30 9:58 AM

KiDs Beach Club Walks Through New Doors

Aug 30 9:58 AM
Aug 30 9:58 AM

Over the last few years KiDs Beach Club® (KBC) leaders have found themselves walking through many doors that Father has opened, including a TV show that is now available all around the world. Well, in May the KBC corporate team walked through some new doors…literally. KiDs Beach Club® moved into a standalone, corporate office building thanks to the support of a very generous donor.

As with any new opportunity, some adjustments had to be made and renovations were needed before sharing this new location with the public. But after a couple of months, with everything moved in, renovations finished, and offices decorated, the KBC board and staff joined dignitaries from the City of Bedford, Texas for a ribbon cutting event August 11. The ceremony was followed by prayers of blessings led by Cross City Church’s lead pastor John Meador and former pastor Bill Anderson.

Commenting on the occasion, Pastor Meador said, “It’s a thrill to see them in this building because they are a really well operated organization, and this just enhances that and builds that.”

KBC Board Member Dianna Booher Rae explained the significance of the building. “This represents a footprint. It represents a footprint in the city. It represents a footprint in our communities. It says we’re here to stay. You’re saying to the community we’re solid. We know what we’re about. We have a goal. We have a mission. We have a vision. And we intend to be here for a long while. And that excites me!”  

Two days after the ribbon cutting ceremony, the building was opened for tours to KBC supporters and the surrounding community. Child and adult stars of KBC-TV, along with the show’s producers and director, joined Beach Club® volunteers, club participants, parents, and community members for a pizza and ice cream party to celebrate. The entire Grand Opening weekend was a series of joyful events that laid the foundation for new doors opening to KiDs Beach Club® in the years to come. To watch video highlights from both the ribbon cutting and open house, please visit our Grand Opening webpage.

KiDs Beach Club® 2022 Gala Personalities Fighting for the Next Generation
May 31 11:07 AM

KiDs Beach Club® 2022 Gala Personalities Fighting for the Next Generation

May 31 11:07 AM
May 31 11:07 AM

While they may appear to come from two different worlds, one from politics and one from entertainment, the two special guests appearing at the KiDs Beach Club 2022 Gala June 18 in Dallas, TX have much in common. They are both fighting for the next generation.

Tony Perkins will be the keynote speaker at the KBC 2022 Gala. Perkins is president of the public policy institute Family Research Council in Washington D.C. He is quite comfortable in the halls of congress speaking on behalf of kids and their parents. You probably have seen him as a guest on national TV outlets presenting a biblical worldview that our current culture desperately needs to hear.

Steph Carse will be the worship leader at KBC’s gala. Carse is a three-time Emmy Award winning musician and television producer. He’s also a pop sensation in his home country of Canada, where the story of his wedding made the cover of a national magazine. Carse’s TV special My Shining Hour has aired on networks around the world and his music videos have garnered accolades from numerous film and music festivals.

Carse is deeply committed to children and their future. A personal passion of his is revealed in the song Awesome—a desire to raise awareness of not only the danger of bullying, but also the power of words.  “I wrote this song as a reminder that there is something awesome in each of us and that we are to celebrate our uniqueness to make a difference,” he said. Carse conducts anti-bullying programs in schools across the U.S.

While Tony Perkins and Steph Carse may have very different careers and are from different countries, they both advocate building character in children. Character building through the lens of Scripture is the hallmark of KiDs Beach Club®, and this will be celebrated at the KBC 2022 Gala. “We are excited to showcase at the gala the many ways in which KiDs Beach Club is impacting kids and their character, not only across the country through our public school ministry but also around the world through our TV show,” said Dr. Frank Banfill, KBC’s executive vice president.

In his book, No Fear, Perkins writes, “I am so encouraged by this new generation of followers of Jesus who aren’t backing down from the hostility and vitriol they face for standing firm in their faith. If God is about to once again change the course of history through those who fear Him rather than man, I am convinced He will use these brave new disciples….” Developing character in kids is paramount to standing firm in the faith.

Perkins told the National Religious Broadcasters Convention that, “America will not be great again until it is good again, and that means America must once again not only acknowledge but live as one nation under God. Let us redeem the time. Let us make the most of this moment.”

Perkins will bring to the KBC gala a special message focused on the urgency of making the most for Christ in this moment. Steph Carse, through his musical performance and background videos, will lead the KBC gala attendees to appreciate their uniqueness in Christ and celebrate the wonder of the Lord. Tickets are on sale now for the gala at If you cannot attend the event, you can participate by buying a “seat at the table” for $125 and supporting the work of KBC as it reaches kids for Christ and develops their character.

Hang 10 Summer Reading Program
May 31 11:06 AM

Hang 10 Summer Reading Program

May 31 11:06 AM
May 31 11:06 AM

Every summer KiDs Beach Club encourages kids and parents to spend 10 minutes a day hanging out with God with the Hang 10 Summer Reading Program. Beginning May 29, the Summer Reading Program includes 14 weeks of daily Bible readings that will give kids a better understanding of who they are and what God wants for them in their lives. Although the Summer Reading Program is geared toward kids, it is a great plan for adults and teens as well. As you consider diving into the Summer Reading Program this summer, here are some tips that might help you and your family on this meaningful journey:

  • Set an alarm at the same time every day as a reminder that it’s time for Hang 10. When the alarm sounds, pause what you’re doing and devote 10 minutes to Bible reading and prayer.
  • Hanging out with God may be a new concept for you and your child. Use the tip-in pages “Spending Time with God” in the KBC Study Bible (between pages 242-243) as a guide to help you understand when, where, what, and how. Make a family plan for spending time with God every day…and stick to it.
  • Put a sticker on a calendar every day your child reads his or her Bible. At the end of the summer, count up the stickers and celebrate your child’s Bible reading success with a simple treat, like an ice cream cone or an afternoon in the park.
  • Print out a copy of KBC’s “Hang 10: Summer Reading Program” and put it on your kitchen table. At breakfast or dinner, read that day’s assignment and talk about the Bible story or verses as a family. Take a look at the Bonus Reading and Challenges sections to dig deeper into the Bible.
  • Taking a family road trip? Pack your Bibles and take the summer reading plan with you. Make the most of family time in the car by reading and discussing God’s Word.
  • Help your child get comfortable with the Bible by practicing Bible skills. The tip-in page “The Bible is God’s Word… so LOVE IT! LEARN IT! LIVE IT! (just inside the back cover of the KBC Study Bible) contains five different activity options to help your child practice finding things in the Bible and memorize scripture.

We hope you’ll join us on this journey of discovering God’s truth for our lives. Learn more at

Finishing Strong: A Great 2021-2022 School Year
May 31 11:06 AM

Finishing Strong: A Great 2021-2022 School Year

May 31 11:06 AM
May 31 11:06 AM

Though the Pandemic years required many people, churches, and organizations to reevaluate the way they operate, KiDs Beach Club and its church partners have stood firm in the conviction of bringing the gospel to public schools. Last month, KiDs Beach Club wrapped up year 16 of partnering with churches to host after-school Bible clubs in public schools.

Just two years removed from having zero clubs meeting in schools due to the Pandemic lockdown and the move to virtual schools, the 2021-22 school year numbers are very encouraging. Fifty-eight churches partnered with KBC to lead clubs in 71 schools to share the gospel message with 2,700 kids. Even more exciting, 142 of those kids made the decision to ask Jesus to be their Forever Friend.

KBC knows that this massive effort, which included giving 1,621 kids Bibles of their very own, would not have been possible without the help of our 714 dedicated volunteers. Volunteers shared the gospel stories, answered the kids’ many great questions, and experienced the joy of seeing lives changed for both children and their families. KBC cannot thank our volunteers enough!

As summer rolls in, KBC Club Relations Director Tammy Terrell, said “Our Club Relations Specialists are actively preparing for the 2022-23 school year. We’re excited to see our church partners return with renewed passion to share the gospel in their local schools, and we’re looking forward to adding even more church partners and more Beach Clubs all over the country. It’s also exciting to see how God is using KBC-TV to expand our reach into new states and school districts!”

Will you pray with us that we are able to reach more kids and families with the gospel than ever before? Pray that we will be able to add to the over 110,000 kids impacted by Beach Club and over 9,500 professions of faith since 2003. KiDs Beach Club exists to provide every 3rd-6th grade boy and girl a Jesus experience within their culture – public school, neighborhood, community or at home. Please join with us in making Jesus Cool at School!

To find out how to get involved, please visit our webpage.

Are You Up for the Hang 10 Challenge?
May 31 11:06 AM

Are You Up for the Hang 10 Challenge?

May 31 11:06 AM
May 31 11:06 AM

At the end of each after-school club meeting, KiDs Beach Club kids are reminded by their Surf Team leaders about the Hang 10 Challenge. The Hang 10 Challenge is an encouragement to spend 10 minutes a day hanging out with God reading the Bible and praying. KiDs Beach Club makes it easy by giving children a take home sheet with a scripture reading, activity, and prayer for each day.

The Hang 10 Challenge isn’t just for kids in our after-school clubs anymore. Now, we’re offering this resource to families around the globe, encouraging kids everywhere to spend time with God. By the way, parents, this is a great challenge for you to take on as well! Spending time with God can be done as a family or as an individual, but doing the Hang 10 Challenge as a family will lead to much needed spiritual conversations around the dinner table or wherever your family decides to spend time with God.

If you’ve been watching KiDs Beach Club TV on one of over 500 channels carrying the show in the United States, you may have already seen our Hang 10 Challenge promo starring Surf Team leaders Jason and Jordan.

Station Managers are seeing the results. "WTLW TV call letters stand for ‘Witness The Living Word’, so our partnership with KiDs Beach Club TV is a powerful way to reach the next generation with the Word of God. Older viewers love the Hang 10 Challenge as much as the children do," stated Kevin Bowers, General Manager at partner station WTLW in Lima, Ohio.

Ohio is one of many locations where families are taking the Hang 10 Challenge. Challenge commitments have come from around the United States: Indiana, Colorado, Florida, Arizona, Georgia, and more. Recently, multiple requests have come in from India. Yes, families in the nation of India are enjoying KBC TV and asking how they can create daily spiritual conversations.

You and your family can take the Hang 10 Challenge today by visiting, fill out the short form, and download all 20 weeks of Hang 10 Handouts absolutely free!

KiDs Beach Club TV Season 2 Receives Five 2022 Telly Awards
May 31 11:06 AM

KiDs Beach Club TV Season 2 Receives Five 2022 Telly Awards

May 31 11:06 AM
May 31 11:06 AM

The 43rd Annual Telly Awards announced on May 24 that an episode from season two of KiDs Beach Club TV has been named the Silver Telly Winner for Religious/Spiritual Television and the Bronze Telly Winner in the Writing, Children, Not-for-Profit, and Education & Training television categories. Other winners in the Children category include The Walt Disney Company and Sesame Workshop.

The Telly Awards honors excellence in video and television across all screens and is judged by leaders from video platforms, television, streaming networks, and production companies including Adobe, Netflix, Jennifer Garner, A&E Networks, Nickelodeon, and ESPN Films, among others. The Telly Awards attracted more than 12,000 entries from top video content producers from all 50 U.S. states and five continents.

KiDs Beach Club® TV is an uplifting half-hour children’s edutainment show featuring talented child and adult actors dramatizing “character education through the lens of the Bible.” The series follows the lives of the Clubhouse Kids, a group of preteen students, as they navigate life, explore character lessons, and play memorable games.

“Now, more than ever, it is necessary to celebrate video work that reflects the top tier of our industry, such as KiDs Beach Club TV,” says Telly Awards Executive Director Sabrina Dridje. “This year’s submissions reflect an industry that has returned to the important work of storytelling, one that has returned with a new perspective that values innovation, agility, equity, and tenacious creativity.”

“We are so appreciative to be honored by the Telly Awards in this way,” says KiDs Beach Club TV Executive Producer Dr. Frank Banfill. “These awards not only recognize the great talent of our actors, writer, and production partners at CRM Studios, but the nearly 20 years of in-person ministry to 110,000 children in our after-school Bible clubs. Our TV show is a direct outgrowth of our school ministry and the lessons we learned from it.”

Season one of KiDs Beach Club TV currently airs across the U.S. on DIRECTV and DISH as well as numerous local broadcast stations, and it airs globally on Angel TV and Inspiration TV. Season two of KiDs Beach Club is distributed by Bridgestone Media Group. Season three is currently in production, bringing the number of KiDs Beach Club episodes to 55.

In March, KiDs Beach Club TV won the People’s Choice Award for Children’s Television at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention. Last year, the show garnered four Bronze Telly Awards. calls KiDs Beach Club TV “a must-view experience as it shows kids how to function in the world according to God’s word, and parents are going to love it.”

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