May 29 12:35 PM

KiDs Beach Club® TV wins coveted GOLD People's Telly!

May 29 12:35 PM
May 29 12:35 PM

A lot of exciting things have been happening in recent weeks for KiDs Beach Club® Television, and we are so thrilled to share a few of the highlights with you.

For starters, the 2023 Telly Awards were announced on May 23rd, and KiDs Beach Club® TV Season 3 has been awarded its first GOLD TELLY, a People's Telly.

This is especially exciting because votes were cast from across the world, and only two GOLD Tellys were awarded in our category! This is also our first-ever Golden Telly, and we are thrilled to represent Christ unashamedly in this category! Prior to this year, we had won only 1 silver Telly and 8 Bronze ones.
That all changed with the latest awards, as KBC TV brought home 3 additional Silver Telly Awards! Here's the details...

Silver Telly in the Children's TV Category
This is same category that all Children's Television is in.
Two Gold Telly's were awarded, both going to productions by the Jim Henson Company.

Silver Telly in the Television General / Charitable / 
Not-for profit & Cause Marketing Category

Silver Telly in the Social Impact Category
In the Season 3 episode on "Friendliness" the Beach Club® KiDs explore the importance of befriending and accepting others with differences.
Our writer Beth Banfill is especially excited about this Telly, as she consulted with family friends Ty and Kathryn Culbreth, parents of Logan Jade who was born with Down Syndrome.

Watch the Episode

Finally, we were awarded a Bronze Telly in the category of Television General-Religious/Spiritual. 

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! take a deep breath and keep reading!

Since last month, KiDs Beach Club® Season 2 was awarded a prestigious "Best TV Show" by the International Christian Film Festival (ICFF)! Thank you to Bridgestone Multi-Media Group (BMG, #EncourageTV), our distributor for Season 2 for entering us into the ICFF competition!

As mentioned in our Surf Report, we were also a finalist in the category of "Best TV Show" at the ICVM Crown Awards. This ia a prestigious honor and the first time ever recognized as a finalist. The winner in this category was announced at a special awards ceremony in Orlando last week, with The Chosen being named the winner. We were thrilled to even be nominated and praise God for the recognition He has given us! 


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