What is Your Legacy?

"One generation will praise Your works to another and will declare Your mighty acts!"
Psalm 145:4

Leave A Lasting Legacy

"Now when David had served God's purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep..."
--Acts 13:36

Like David, do you want God to say that you fulfilled your purpose in your generation?
What story do you want to leave behind? 

Want to learn how to become a KiDs Beach Club® Legacy Ambassador or Legacy Member?
Just click the Join the Legacy button below, and we'll personally follow-up with you. 

KiDs Beach Club Legacy AmbassadorKids Beach Club Legacy Member

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KiDs Beach Club® Legacy Ambassadors

KiDs Beach Club Legacy Ambassador

KBC Legacy Ambassadors are mature believers in Christ who already actively support the mission and vision of the ministry. Legacy Ambassadors will act as connectors in ministry, casting vision in his/her sphere of influence while introducing other likeminded individuals to KBC. These individuals will proactively represent KBC, develop relationships, and speak truth into KBC's leadership. Above all, Legacy Ambassadors possess an overwhelming desire to leave a lasting legacy by their commitment to further the cause of Christ.

Start a Legacy Conversation

KiDs Beach Club® Legacy Members

KiDs Beach Club Legacy Member
KBC Legacy Members are individuals who have chosen to name KiDs Beach Club® as beneficiary in their Planned Giving through wills, family trusts, or foundations. We have partners in place who can give advice and help you do this, without cost to you. KBC Legacy Members are individuals who support KiDs Beach Club® currently or have supported KBC at a key time in the ministry's history. They are those individuals who have chosen to make an eternal impact by leaving a lasting legacy. 


Start a Legacy Conversation

Qualifications of a Legacy Ambassador & Member

Do you Meet at Least 3 of these?

  • I/We have the desire to use my/our God-given time, talent, and financial resources to transform the world.
  • I/We have the willingness and the ability to convene meetings of peers and lead others to quality decisions.
  • I/We typically interact peer-to-peer with other leaders and influencers in a specialized field or area of responsibility.
  • I/We have held senior or executive positions in organizations or on boards of large organizations.
  • I/We are recognized authorities in our field and have contributed to growth and added value through written publications (articles, blogs, or books) or through the spoken word (podcasts, talks, training).

Profile of a Legacy Ambassador & Member

Does this sound like you?

  • This person or family has a track record of leadership roles and responsibilities and desires to be a high-impact influencer either in the community, at work, or at church.
  • Whether a seasoned or new believer, this person or family desires to see others build a strong faith and live a high-integrity life.
  • This person or family recognizes the need for cultural change and passionately desires to “make that transformation happen.”
  • This person or family considers financial stewardship a critical part of their calling to transform the nation and the world.

Our Legacy: Local & Global Impact

Reaching Schools, Churches, Parents, and the World through Direct Ministry and Global Media

Making Jesus Cool at SchoolBeach Clubs®:
 An after-school character-focused Bible club delivered on school grounds by community volunteers to provide children a foundation of integrity and faith. KiDs Beach Clubs® are high-energy, fun-filled, kid-focused and Christ-centered clubs that meet at public schools for one hour a week for 24 weeks during the school year. Local churches provide the volunteers who lead these clubs, and each week, these amazing volunteers make a positive impact on children’s lives. To date, over 10,340 children have made professions of faith in Club!  kidsbeachclub.org/schools

Great Treasure Day
Bibles for Beach Club® and Great Treasure Day:
Every Beach Club® has one special day during the Club year called "Great Treasure Day." This is the day that every child in every Beach Club® receives their very own copy of God's Word - at no cost to them or our partner churches! This initiative puts Bibles in the hands of kids; for some, this is the very first copy of God's Word in the whole household! To date, over 79,400 Bibles have been distributed, and that number grows with every passing Great Treasure Day!  kidsbeachclub.org/bibles


KiDs Beach Club Television

KiDs Beach Club® TV: A global pandemic catapulted KiDs Beach Club® into a truly global ministry. When schools shut down, the ministry pivoted to a professionally produced television show that is aired in all 50 states and globally in every corner of the world. The Beach Club® KiDs explore biblical character while navigating life together. With 55 total episodes produced, this TV show has now won 14 Telly Awards, including a 2023 GOLD People's Telly. It has also won several Silver Tellys, including a Silver in Children's Television, with bronze wins competing alongside Disney and Sesame Street. Season Two was honored as 2023 BEST TV SHOW from the International Christian Film Festival. An estimated 155,085 preteens in the U.S. watch the show. 200 nations receive English broadcasts of the show twice weekly. Farsi language dubbing is underway; once complete, the show will broadcast into 6 million Iranian households, with additional translations to follow.  kidsbeachclub.tv

KiDs on Character Radio

KiDs on Character Moments:
 KiDs on Character Moments are 60 and 120 second character-building segments available for radio licensing. Each segment features stars from KBC TV's award-winning television show and provides practical character-building moments for listeners of all ages.  kidsbeachclub.org/global-media


KiDs Beach Club Licensing

KiDs Beach Club® Curriculum & Media Licensing: For nearly 20 years, KiDs Beach Club® has been teaching character and sharing the love of Christ in public schools. These same resources used by KiDs Beach Club® to minister to over 121,000 kids are now available to use in your church, your ministry, or any setting outside of public schools! KiDs Beach Club® TV, the program that airs on stations all over the world is also available in our media packages. Use it as a stand-alone resource, plug-and-play, or as part of a whole teaching series. This award-winning television show complements the curriculum of KiDs Beach Club® and will teach your kids how to live out biblical character in practical ways.  kidsbeachclub.org/licensing



Beach Patrol


Beach Patrol: KiDs Beach Club® volunteers are a vital to reaching preteens. Over the last 20 years, we've had over 26,200 volunteers in Beach Clubs®! But we are committed to raising up another army of volunteers outside of our Clubs, and that is what we call Beach Patrol. These volunteers are committed to praying for KiDs Beach Club®, serving, and even helping with regional trainings. kidsbeachclub.org/get-involved

Making Jesus Cool at School

KiDs Beach Club® Interactive:
Finally, parents can redeem the lost screen time of their kids! KiDs Beach Club® and Lightglidershave teamed up to offer a Christian gaming community for kids aged 6-12. With KiDs Beach Club® content and messaging infused in this safe, online, ad-free gaming world, kids can create their avatars and have a blast while experiencing a biblical worldview curriculum. Kids are challenged with weekly Bible-based lessons and reflection questions, and parents receive weekly resources that encourage meaningful conversations.  kidsbeachclub.org/games




CharacterLeads®: Downloadable, secular, character and leadership education curriculum for school counselors to deliver during the school day. It introduces 18 character traits that lay a foundation for success in school, work, life, and relationships.  Character development is critical—so much so that 44 states have either mandated or strongly encouraged its teaching in public schools. CharacterLeads® starts with the end in mind: effective leaders as adults. This program qualifies for matching donations from companies that prohibit donations to religious causes. kidsbeachclub.org/characterleads | characterleads.com

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