Nov 09 2:37 PM

Beach Clubbers Make Jesus Their Forever Friend

Nov 09 2:37 PM
Nov 09 2:37 PM

At KiDs Beach Club®, our vision is to provide every preteen boy and girl with a Jesus experience. That means in everything we do, we want to provide opportunities for kids to not only know about Jesus but to experience His love for themselves. Ultimately, we pray that the “Jesus experience” will lead that preteen to decide to make Jesus their Forever Friend, giving them complete peace knowing that they’re never alone in this life. That’s why we partner with churches to provide after-school Beach Clubs® in public schools around the country. It’s why we partner with broadcasters around the world to air the KiDs Beach Club® television show on their stations, networks, and streaming channels.

Historically, we see about 10% of kids enrolled in Beach Club® experience Jesus and make Him their forever friend. And that’s just the ones that have been recorded! We also know that there are likely many more professions of faith as a result of Beach Club® that are not recorded. This fall alone, 147 kids in Beach Club® have decided to make Jesus their Forever Friend! That is 147 preteens who have had a Jesus experience and invited Him to come into and be a part of their lives. 

These moments are special not only for the kids but also for the leaders. You see, when a child in Beach Club® expresses an interest in accepting Jesus as Savior, a club volunteer will sit down with that child to talk through all that is involved with that decision. Though it’s a simple process, we want the kids to understand the significance of what they are doing. Once the child makes that decision, the news is shared with the rest of the club so everyone can express joy for their friend’s decision. Our partner churches have the ability to follow-up with each child who has made Jesus their Forever Friend at Beach Club®. This follow-up often includes giving the rest of the family a Jesus experience as they talk with the parents about the decision their child has made.

We celebrate these decisions at KiDs Beach Club®! The reach of one club, one volunteer, one partner church, one child is limitless. A child deciding to make Jesus their Forever Friend is not only going to make a difference in that child’s life today, but it will also make a difference in everyone that child impacts going forward. Families often start coming to church as a result. Friends hear about it and join Beach Club®. The extended reach of KiDs Beach Club is truly unknown today—but one day in Heaven we will see the impact that these precious lives have had.

So today and every day, we celebrate how God is using us to provide preteens with a Jesus experience. We celebrate the 147 precious children who this fall have already made Jesus their Forever Friend, and we celebrate the 9,538 who have done that since KiDs Beach Club® started. We pray that you, our partners, volunteers, parents, and donors will celebrate as well because you are helping make all of this possible. By God’s grace, together we will continue to make an even greater impact around the world—an impact that can last for generations. 

Each week at KiDs Beach Club® we are moving a little closer to giving every preteen a Jesus experience!

Nov 09 2:37 PM

A 14-Year Volunteer Looks Back

Nov 09 2:37 PM
Nov 09 2:37 PM

KiDs Beach Club® has been blessed with so many wonderful volunteers over the years. These volunteers impact young lives in ways that we at the corporate office rarely hear about. That’s why it was a special treat to sit down recently with Karen May and her husband, Mike. Karen and Mike have been supporters of KiDs Beach Club® since its inception and continue to support the ministry today. As a 14-year Bible Connection leader in Beach Club®, Karen shared some stories that have stuck with her over the years. 

She couldn’t help but lead off with her greatest joy from serving in Beach Club®. “There’s no greater joy than leading kids to Christ. And it’s a soul joy. It’s something that doesn’t leave you. It’s the greatest joy that anyone, any human could know is someone coming to faith in Jesus Christ.”

“I was reminded of a story this morning,” she continued. “I can still see the little boy’s face. But he was waiting to receive a Bible. And he had been attending faithfully weekly, and the day that his name was called, he scurried up to the stage, and I handed him the Bible. Well, he grabbed the Bible, and he clutched it to his chest. And he kissed it. That says it all. That this little guy knew instinctively, ‘I love this. This is a treasure.’ It’s a privilege and joy to help them understand who Jesus is and how much he loves them.”

When the topic of how KiDs Beach Club® can have an impact not only on the child attending but their family as well, Karen remembered one particular mother who would occasionally stay at club to see what was being done and said. “She was just trying to take it in. And then she was hearing everything that her daughter was hearing. And she wanted to be a part of it. That’s just one example of the spillage, the overflow. He came to give life, and he came to give it abundantly, bubbling over, for all of us. That hope was translating to their family which was a beautiful thing.”

We all have this core need deep inside that causes us to look for Christ, and Karen shared how it is no different for kids in Beach Club®. “Think of their core need, which is our core need, which is, ‘am I loved?’ They just want to know. That’s the deep question, the deep pondering. They may not be able to articulate that, but if they know, if they learn ‘I am loved by the Creator of the universe. He actually made me. He likes me. He wants me.’ That’s life changing.”     

KBC volunteers are the boots on the ground for the generational impact that is happening through KiDs Beach Club®. That’s why we’re thankful for all of the volunteers, like Karen May, who have served over the years and for the 1065 volunteers serving this year alone in our nearly 100 clubs in 8 states around the United States. 

To learn more about volunteering at KiDs BeachClub®, please visit our volunteering page

Oct 10 2:32 PM

Great Treasure Day Makes a Difference for Kids and Families

Oct 10 2:32 PM
Oct 10 2:32 PM

Great Treasure Day is the day we hand out a KiDs Beach Club Explorer’s Study Bible to every child in every Beach Club who has not yet received one. Yes, it is legal to give Bibles to kids in public schools and for public school kids to bring their Bibles to school.

God’s word is the greatest treasure on earth, and it is the centerpiece of KiDs Beach Club®. We want every child to have their very own copy to read, study, share and grow from making a daily and eternal impact on their lives. 

Mesquite, Texas Club Leader Aubrey Eudy talked about his recent experience with Great Treasure Day. “In the last two days, I’ve passed out close to 100 Bibles. We are reaching a lot of people. A lot of kids are teaching their parents. A lot of parents are finding out who Jesus truly is.”

In KiDs Beach Club®, we use the Bible as a moral standard and the plumb line for character education. Good character starts from a transformed heart. God’s own perfect character is revealed in His word. When every child has a Bible of their own, they are better equipped to learn God’s word and to live God’s way. And that’s why KiDs Beach Club® is excited to have handed out over 70,000 bibles since 2003!

Oct 10 2:23 PM

KiDs Beach Club® Blessed Beyond Measure on NTX Giving Day

Oct 10 2:23 PM
Oct 10 2:23 PM

There are opportunities in life to be a part of something bigger than yourself. Those opportunities come to both individuals and organizations. NTX (North Texas) Giving Day is one of those opportunities for non-profit organizations in the North Texas area. KiDs Beach Club® was blessed to be a part of this event, the largest online giving event in the world.

Our goal for NTX Giving Day was to raise $20,000. We felt that was an obtainable goal but still a stretch goal that only God could accomplish.

One new strategy to reach this goal was calling previous donors. KBC leaders were unsure what to expect from these calls, but unexpected blessings became a regular part of the conversations.

“In the days leading up to NTX Giving Day, I had the privilege to talk one on one with quite a few of our past donors,” shared KBC Special Projects Director Beth Banfill. “God gave us some amazing conversations and prayer times together. We’ve got the best donors in the world. Seriously, hands down!”

Also, as in previous years, WBAP radio show host Chris Krok partnered with KBC to solicit donations for NTX Giving Day. Krok has been a long-time supporter of KiDs Beach Club and welcomed both KBC President and Founder Jack Terrell and KBC-TV Executive Producer Dr. Frank Banfill onto his show to talk about KiDs Beach Club.

The final numbers are in, and indeed, only God could accomplish these results! Total gifts received totaled $34,485.98, with more than 80 individual donors responding!

Aug 30 9:58 AM

Changing the World with North Texas Giving Day

Aug 30 9:58 AM
Aug 30 9:58 AM

Join a movement igniting a broad culture of community-wide giving! North Texas (NTX) Giving Day is Thursday, September 22. In 2021, $66 million was raised through 103,000 donors benefiting more than 3,300 nonprofits, bringing the thirteen-year NTX Giving Day total to over $441 million for our community.

As in previous years, KiDs Beach Club® will be partnering with the Chris Krok Show on WBAP 820 AM, the Dallas-Ft. Worth powerhouse radio station. Not only will Krok be highlighting KiDs Beach Club® at various times throughout his 8pm – 12 am show on September 22, but he’ll be joined by KBC President and Founder Jack Terrell and EVP of Strategy Dr. Frank Banfill. Whether you give early or choose to wait until September 22, tune in to the Chris Krok show to hear about the exciting new opportunities God is giving KiDs Beach Club. Outside the DFW Metroplex, you can listen online at

Dr. Willy Rice, pastor of Calvary Church Clearwater, Florida, which partners with KiDs Beach Club, explained what kind of impact you can have by reaching a child. “When you reach a child, you’re not just reaching them for a few years. You’re changing the trajectory of a life, of a family, of a generation. So, when you invest in a child’s life, it has a disproportionate impact when you say invest in someone my age. Reach everybody you can. But when you reach the next generation, that’s how you change the world.”

“North Texas Giving Day is very important to KiDs Beach Club® because it helps the general community learn about the great work that we do,” said KBC’s Dr. Frank Banfill. “It also is a way for our supporters to kick-off our after-school Bible clubs as we launch into a new school year. We’ll be providing thousands of Bibles to kids in the coming weeks, and this helps fund those and other efforts.”

Regardless of where you live, you can still participate in NTX Giving Day since KiDs Beach Club® is headquartered in North Texas. This year, there are multiple ways you can give. You can give at the KiDs Beach Club page on the NTX Giving Day website. You can give at the NTX Giving Day webpage on our website. You can also text KBCBible to 91999. Whichever way you choose to give and support KiDs Beach Club®, know that your donation is making a worldwide generational impact.

"As I look across America, I see homes that are broken and children that are caught in the middle," shared Jack Terrell. "For many of these children, KiDs Beach Club becomes their sanctuary of hope, both in school and on TV. So your giving allows each child to hear hope, see hope, experience hope. On Sept 1st you can begin giving to North Texas Giving Day to help us impact the next generation. I wish to thank you for your generous donation."

Aug 30 9:58 AM

Goodbye, Summertime. Hello, New School Year!

Aug 30 9:58 AM
Aug 30 9:58 AM

With the welcoming of cooler days and earlier nights, students, teachers, and administrators are returning to school. And with the return to school is a return to after-school KiDs Beach Club® Bible clubs. In these clubs, which take place one hour a week for 24 weeks during the school year, kids will learn character-lessons through scripture stories and memory games. They’ll discover the joy of knowing they’re not alone in the world and that there is someone who cares about them. And God willing, many will decide to ask Jesus to become their Forever Friend.

“Our Club Relations Specialists are actively preparing for the 2022-23 school year,” said KBC Club Relations Director Tammy Terrell. “We’re excited to see our church partners return with renewed passion to share the gospel in their local schools, and we’re looking forward to adding even more church partners and more Beach Clubs® all over the country. It’s also exciting to see how God is using KBC-TV to expand our reach into new states and school districts!”

But these clubs don’t just happen. A small team of KiDs Beach Club® staff work tirelessly to prepare for the launch of our fall after-school clubs. They’ve been filling their days with a flurry of activity to ensure each pre-teen child in the local clubs has a Jesus experience. From training our army of Beach Patrol volunteers to securing lease agreements, from making sure annual background checks are completed to processing all required paperwork, our team members are thrilled that our number of clubs and partner churches nationwide is growing! Just since June, we’ve seen our partner churches increase by almost 34.5%, and the number of clubs has increased almost 20%. While these numbers are not representative of our Pre-Covid numbers, the team is truly thrilled that God is using them to continue Making Jesus Cool at School!®

KBC Club Relations Coordinator Tina Kimbro shared her excitement about the kickoff of fall clubs. “I sense a renewed spirit and urgency among church leadership and volunteers. In this present culture, they have a greater understanding of the importance of expressing love and being the voice of hope to the hearing and hearts of the boys and girls God entrusts to their discipleship through their Beach Clubs. It is a joy to be a witness to their loving, serving, and caring for their Beach Club® kids and their schools. I view the 2022-2023 school/club year as a new beginning and know that God is doing and will continue doing great things, immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine."

It’s not too late for you, as a church leader, parent, or school administrator to discover how to have a KiDs Beach Club® at your school. Simply go to to learn more about after-school clubs, find a club in your area, or start a Beach Club of your very own.


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