May 04 12:25 PM

It Starts With Children

May 04 12:25 PM
May 04 12:25 PM

“It starts with children.  When we change the heart, mind, and souls of children, that is when we change America.  It is more important than who is in the White House or the head of Disney.  We need a 2-3 generation turnaround and it must begin today,” said George Barna, founder of The Barna Group, an evangelical Christian polling research firm.

The worldview of children is being changed through KiDs Beach Club® and we are thrilled to have  George Barna as our keynote speaker for our Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinner on Saturday, July 11 at 6:00 pm.  Come enjoy dinner and hear the results of Barna’s research on what it will take to reclaim the Christian worldview of families in America.

“There are three big players that are shaping the worldview of children in America.  They are family, government, and media.  The government and media are not going to help us, but the families, ministries, churches, and Christian schools have an opportunity, but we must have a plan,” said Barna.

The philosophy of many ministries is often to reach and change the hearts of adults, but the fight is being waged in the hearts and minds of kids.  KBC is dedicated to reaching the hearts of children and connecting them and their families to churches.  We have seen clubs where 62% of those that indicated they did not have a church affiliation at the beginning of the club year, then indicated at the end of the year that they have united with a church. 

Join us on Saturday, July 11 at 6 p.m. for the Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinner at the Texas Motor Speedway.  This benefit dinner directly funds the Bibles for our KBC clubs throughout the country.

“What are you going to do to change the worldview of children in America?  We cannot rely on anyone else,” said Barna. Click here to reserve your tickets today.

May 04 12:13 PM

Volunteering Across The Generations

May 04 12:13 PM
May 04 12:13 PM

The classroom began to come alive as the volunteers busied themselves with all the final touches.  The minutes were ticking away and then it was time to join hands and pray for the KiDs Beach Club® meeting that was about to begin at Pearson Elementary School.

Across the room, generations gathered to share the everlasting truths of God’s word with the next generation.  “I want to see the younger generations make God the center of everything,” said Jennifer Brumbaugh, high school student and volunteer at KiDs Beach Club®.  “It creates a happier place when God is at the center of it.”

“I enjoy seeing kids learn about God and connect it to everything so that it will all make sense,” said Lauren Cook, student and KiDs Beach Club® volunteer. 

These and other students gather each week at Beach Clubs across the country to join with adult volunteers to share the gospel.  “I see older adults in passing at church, but by working side by side with them, I’m learning how to share the word of God,” said Jennifer. “The adults see things differently and I am able to learn from them.”  

Jennifer and Lauren are members of a high school club known as FTI (Future Teacher Internship). These future teachers are excited to see God’s word being presented in the schools and they are already noticing the difference that the character words are making in the lives of the students as they begin to catch themselves when they are not living out the character of Christ in the classroom.

“I was excited to volunteer and have the opportunity to work with children,” said Lauren. “These students are beginning to correct themselves as they are learning these character words each week.”

“Our adult volunteers enjoy working alongside of the teenagers.  They are sure to include them in the teaching activities,” said Suzanne Massey, Club Leader at Pearson Elementary. “They bring a fresh perspective and serve as role models to these students.”

The Gospel is timeless and the volunteers at KBC reflect the truth from Psalm 145:4 “One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” If you are not already a part of a KBC community, find your place today. Click here to find a club to serve at.

Feb 26 10:24 AM

I Don't Like My Bible, I LOVE My Bible

Feb 26 10:24 AM
Feb 26 10:24 AM

The students at Pearson Elementary School have been asking for weeks, when they would be receiving their Bible at the Great Treasure Day! The day finally arrived!

The room was filled with excitement as over 40 students made their way into the small classroom.  The Bibles were set, the cupcakes were ready, and each leader was in position to connect with their students and be a warm and welcoming face as they filed in. 

The music began and the gospel was shared.  With hands raised, the everyday classroom transformed into a place of worship.  Students were singing out praises to the Lord, hearing God’s word proclaimed, and then finally the moment arrived.

Each child was called up and received their very own Bible with a special note just for them.  The students opened the Bible with great anticipation and read their notes.  “Lucas, The Lord will always help you as you face things - good and bad.  I will be praying for you and your family,” said Lucas, a KBC student as he read his letter.

“It’s amazing that many of these kids received their first Bible today. In many cases, it’s not just the child’s first Bible but it’s a family’s first Bible,” said Julie Tomko, Children’s Pastor at FBC Rowlette. “We are used to seeing kids receive Bibles, but they don’t always touch it the way these kids do.  For many of the children at church, they grow up with Bibles in the home, but for many at KBC this is their first Bible.”

“The students treat KiDs Beach Club® as if it were a privilege,” said Jehieli Garcia, Assistant Principal at Pearson Elementary School.  “God’s word changes lives,” said Tomko.  “Teachers have seen a transformation in students through KiDs Beach Club®.”

“I don’t like my Bible, I love my Bible,” said Xavier, KBC student. “I like to read it at night before I go to bed.”

These Bibles are placed in the hands of every student that attends KiDs Beach Club® through generous donations.  The Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinnerprovides the funds needed for the Bibles.  We would like to invite you to join us in bringing the transforming word of God to children in public schools by attending our benefit dinner or making a donation. Click here to learn more.

Feb 21 7:25 PM

Bibles For Beach Club Benefit Dinner Speaker Announced!

Feb 21 7:25 PM
Feb 21 7:25 PM

"Churches must begin now to come along-side parents and equip them to provide their children - at the earliest age possible - with biblical precepts that will protect them from a barrage of worldly ideas and teaching that is hostile to the biblical worldview," said George Barna, award winning author and pollster. 

KiDs Beach Club® is proud to announce that George Barna will be the keynote speaker at the Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinner and Auction on April 24.  Transforming Children Into Spiritual Champions is one of his greatest works where he makes a case for why children should be the church's number one priority.

The mission of KiDs Beach Club® is to mobilize churches to go outside of their walls in order to bring the message of Christ into the heart of the community.  The heart of the community is found in our children and they are often found in our schools.  By bringing God's word to these children in their schools, the doors are open for churches to begin ministering not just to the children but to the family.  

We hope that you will join us in making an eternal difference in the lives of children and their families by attending our Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinner.  The event will include pace car rides for table hosts, a delicious meal, and an inspiring message from George Barna! 

Tickets go on sale February 24!

Dinner Information

Feb 21 7:24 PM

2020 KiDs Beach Club® Award Winners

Feb 21 7:24 PM
Feb 21 7:24 PM

KiDs Beach Club® was thrilled to recognize our outstanding award winners this year at the 2020 Train Up A Child Conference.

Each year, KiDs Beach Club® honors churches for their faithful service with a Five Year Award or Ten Year Award. We are also pleased to be ready to offer our first 15 Year Awards next year.  “These churches are passionate and faithful.  They are committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus by fulfilling the great commission in their communities through KiDs Beach Club®,” said Tammy Terrell, Club Relations Director.

Additionally, we honor several individual volunteers with the Presidential Award.  “The Presidential Award recipient possesses the courage to stand in adversity, lead others to greatness and dream about what could be; not just settling for what is,” said Jack Terrell, President and Founder of KiDs Beach Club®.

Join us in honoring these faithful churches and volunteers! Click on the link below to see our outstanding award recipients.

Feb 21 7:22 PM

The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

Feb 21 7:22 PM
Feb 21 7:22 PM

On the outskirts of Memphis in a suburb known as Southaven, the gospel is being proclaimed and declarations of faith are abounding!

On Thursday afternoons at 3:15, a group of volunteers sent out from Brown Missionary Baptist Church gather each week in a simple school gymnasium to share life and faith with the students at Southaven Intermediate School.  What begins with music, games, familiar handshakes, and fun comes to a life changing moment of decision.  The familiar meets the eternal as students are given the opportunity to make a decision to begin a relationship with the savior of their souls and there has not been a shortage of students that are ready to receive.

With over 99 declarations of faith this year, the students at Southaven continue to be eternally impacted as they are discipled each week and encouraged to share their faith with others.  The school’s motto is to create the leaders of tomorrow.  With the partnership of Brown Missionary Baptist Church, they are raising leaders that will continue to declare the glory of God for generations to come. 

“The amazing thing about KiDs Beach Club® is that week after week, we get to feed that decision (to follow Christ) and disciple them right in their own school,” said Jeffery Jackson, Associate Pastor at Brown Missionary Baptist Church during KBC’s Train Up A Child Winter Conference.

Not only are the children of Southaven Intermediate School being impacted by this ministry, but the families of these students are also being eternally changed.  Several parents of these students have now united with Brown Missionary Baptist Church.  The gospel continues to flourish in Southaven and throughout the communities that KiDs Beach Club® has had the opportunity to partner with.

Click here to view some feature videos from the Train Up A Child Winter Conference.

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