Feb 21 6:46 PM

The Fire of the Gospel

Feb 21 6:46 PM
Feb 21 6:46 PM

"The gospel is not the little flame and other things set it on fire.  It’s the other way around.  A program like KiDs Beach Club® is the flame that is set on fire by the gospel,” said Dr. Rick Nichols, Senior Pastor at Wildwood Baptist Church.

Dr. Nichols and several volunteers from his church share the gospel and disciple children each week during their Beach Club at Moss Elementary School.  They wanted to intentionally make sure that there was a connection for the students and their families to join them at church.  In order to do this, they changed their club day to Wednesday and started offering meals before their Wednesday evening services so they could invite students and their families to join them for dinner after club each week. 

Through this simple adjustment Wildwood Baptist Church has experienced overall church growth as families from Moss Elementary have joined the church. “We get to minister on behalf of the King for the kingdom whether they come to our church or not.  We are impacting the reputation of Jesus Christ with everything that we do and everywhere that we go,” said Dr. Nichols. 

With this in mind, Dr. Nichols encouraged all club volunteers at KBC’s Train Up A Child Winter Conference to not allow the familiarity of the gospel to diminish its power, but to share the gospel boldly with everything that we do and everywhere that we go. Click here to see some feature videos from the Train Up A Child Conference. 

Feb 21 6:44 PM

Looking for Pioneers

Feb 21 6:44 PM
Feb 21 6:44 PM

“I was devastated by the lostness of our world,” said Jack Terrell, KiDs Beach Club® President and Founder.  “I began the first Beach Club at Bellaire Elementary in Hurst, TX while serving as the Minister of Children at First Baptist Church Euless.”

The Lord began to ignite a passion in Jack Terrell through his experience in the public school.  His eyes were opened to the bubble that he had lived in over his 28 years of ministry in local churches. Through this passion, the Lord gave a vision to mobilize the church to go outside of its walls with the message of hope found only in Christ. 

Through the years, KiDs Beach Club® has reached over 100,000 children and celebrated over 9,000 professions of faith, but the journey does not end here.  God has placed within the hearts of the KBC leadership team to bring the gospel to 100,000 children in over 2,000 communities each week by January 2025. 

“We are looking for pioneers,” said Dr. Frank Banfill, Executive Vice President of KiDs Beach Club®. “As we look at what it will take to reach over 100,000 children each week, it is volunteers!”

KiDs Beach Club® is looking for volunteers that are ready to impact our children and bring the gospel of Jesus to every community, everywhere! The Beach P.A.T.R.O.L. team is being assembled to meet this need as an elite group of volunteers that will support the ministry through prayer, administrative tasks, training, reporting, outreach, or logistics.  The goal is big, but our God is bigger.  The power is in the gospel and as we unite to use our gifts for God’s purposes, we will see His power displayed as He does exceedingly, abundantly beyond what we can think or imagine. 

"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."   Isaiah 43:19. If you are ready to commit to a deeper level of volunteering or begin your new journey as a volunteer, click the link below to learn more about the KBC Beach P.A.T.R.O.L. and join us in revolutionizing our culture for Christ.

KBC Beach P.A.T.R.O.L.

Feb 21 6:42 PM

Retirement is Not for Me

Feb 21 6:42 PM
Feb 21 6:42 PM

“Retirement is not for me,” said Rev. Delmar Bennett.  “I’ve already tried that several times and I get bored without new challenges.”  Delmar assured guests at his KiDs Beach Club® themed retirement party that while he may be retiring; he was not retiring from Beach Club.

“Delmar very quickly makes a great impression on you.  He is passionate about boys and girls coming to know the Lord and he believes KiDs Beach Club® is a great tool for that,” said Christy Hughes, Remote Club Relations Specialist. 

KiDs Beach Club® has set a goal of reaching 100,000 students in over 2,000 clubs each week by 2025.  In order to achieve this goal, The KBC Beach P.A.T.R.O.L. has been established.  This is an elite group of volunteers that are passionate about seeing the gospel in as many schools as possible and that is exactly what Delmar would like to be a part of. 

Delmar is the first volunteer for the Beach P.A.T.R.O.L. He will be a part of the outreach team and has already been meeting with churches.  “He has a zeal to see every school have a KiDs Beach Club® and these schools have seen many professions of faith,” said Missy Holaday, Club Relations Specialist.

“I want to see the gospel back in schools,” said Delmar.  This passion has been a driving force for Delmar as he begins his ministry on Beach P.A.T.R.O.L.  There are many Beach P.A.T.R.O.L opportunities.  Whether you are already serving faithfully each week and have more time to give or you can’t make a weekly after school club meeting but still are passionate about the cause, KiDs Beach Club® has a place for you on the Beach P.A.T.R.O.L. team. 

How can they preach, unless they are sent? As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of those that bring good news! Romans 10:15

“I would encourage anyone to consider signing up for Beach P.A.T.R.O.L so that you can see how God is moving in the lives of children and their parents,” said Rev. Delmar.  "The enthusiasm I feel comes from serving our all powerful God. With Him all things are possible. During our club meetings, God opened the doors for us to introduce the Gospel to almost 100 children with the help of over 30 volunteers who have a heart of servanthood. They are the ones who deserve our applause." We invite you to bring the Good News of the gospel to as many children as possible with us.  Check out the link below for details on the opportunities available to you on the Beach P.A.T.R.O.L. team.

KBC Beach P.A.T.R.O.L.

Nov 25 4:01 PM

Giving Tuesday Kicks Off Year-End Giving Campaign

Nov 25 4:01 PM
Nov 25 4:01 PM

When you hear or see someone mention #GivingTuesday, remember KiDs Beach Club® and give the gift of Bibles to children in public elementary schools.

#GivingTuesday is December 3 and KiDs Beach Club® is proud to participate again this year. This global day of giving invites supporters to celebrate the holiday season by giving back and creating change in their communities and their world.

Since 2003, more then 22,000 KiDs Beach Club® volunteers have ministered to nearly 107,000 children during after-school Bible clubs in public elementary schools. Sixty-two percent of the students who attend Beach Club do not have a church home, so many are hearing the story of Jesus Christ for the first very time in Beach Club. Then, each student receives a KBC Explorer’s Study Bible, which is often the first Bible in their family’s home.

“The impact of KiDs Beach Club® on a student is powerful, but the impact on a student’s family is priceless and your gifts are making a huge difference in the lives of families across America,” Jack Terrell, KBC president and founder, said.

With your year-end gift to KiDs Beach Club®, you are helping to change the cultural landscape in America by bringing the message of Jesus Christ into our public schools. More than 9,100 students have responded to that message by making professions of faith in Jesus Christ as their “Forever Friend” in Beach Club and that number continues to rise by the hundreds every year. Hopefully soon, that number will be in the thousands.

“We believe God is calling us to maximize our resources to make the biggest impact we possibly can on the next generation,” said Dr. Frank Banfill, the executive vice president at KiDs Beach Club®. “We believe God has given us a proven model of reaching communities through public schools and that now is the time to multiply that model in ways we have not thought possible before.”

That multiplication growth strategy will be carried out through an aggressive plan called ENVISION2k25 with the goal of reaching 100,000 students each week in 2,000 after-school Bible clubs by the year 2025.

“We believe that tenfold growth during the next five years is not only possible, but desperately needed in our nation’s communities,” Banfill said.

We can’t do this without your financial support. Please join us by making your year-end gift before December 31 by donating online at KiDsBeachClub.org/gift or simply by texting the word “Bibles” to 444-999.

Together, we are impacting communities for Christ and making Jesus Cool at School!



Nov 25 1:47 PM

Celebrating 200 Beach Clubs

Nov 25 1:47 PM
Nov 25 1:47 PM

As we near the Christmas season where we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, KiDs Beach Club® is excited to celebrate with you, our family of loyal prayer warriors, volunteers, parents and financial supporters, the milestone of reaching 200 Beach Clubs!

“I’m thrilled to tell you that on October 22, the goal of reaching 200 Beach Clubs was accomplished and it now has ‘DONE’ stamped all over it,” Jack Terrell, KBC founder and president, said. “We’ve reached 200 Beach Clubs with even more coming in each week that are set to launch in February. I’m amazed!”

The 200th Beach Club will start in January at Lawrenceville Elementary in Lawrenceville, Ga. Tina Kimbro, a club relations coordinator with KiDs Beach Club®, has been praying over the area and focused on for several months.

“I was so excited that Central Baptist Church in Lawrenceville was partnering with us to start this club to begin with, but the fact that it is No. 200, which many of us in the field and the KBC office has been praying about for a long time made me absolutely ecstatic!” she explained.

Steven Greene is the lead pastor at Central Baptist Church and has a background in student ministry. Since coming to the church two years ago, he has established strong relationships in area high schools and middle schools and has been praying for a way to minister inside the elementary schools. After speaking with Kimbro at the Metro Gwinnett Baptist Association Meeting in April, he knew this was the open door he had been praying about.

“I didn’t have any background in elementary school ministry,” Greene said. “It’s a different world with regulations and other areas but the way Tina and KiDs Beach Club® have been able to navigate that and figure out how to get us started in January was huge.”

When Pastor Greene arrived at Central Baptist in 2017, the church had no children’s ministry. In fact, his four children started that ministry. It is now starting to grow, and he believes the Beach Club at Lawrenceville Elementary will bring many new faces to their campus.

“This really fits and is perfect for our church,” he said. “This fall, we started a Wednesday night kids program and I view Beach Club as the outreach arm of our children’s ministry.”

The wave of excitement for starting this Beach Club has made its way through the congregation as many has stepped up to serve as volunteers.

“It’s so exciting to see the volunteer team that we’ve been able to build,” Greene said. “It’s an amazing mixture of people who have stepped forward that want to be involved, a lot of surprises! The age range is 19 to the mid-70s and it’s not only cross generational but cross cultural as well. We even have some who are family members that are getting involved together and that’s special.”

The response has also been strong in finding Beach Club Lifeguards to pray for and serve outside the club.

“Several Sunday school classes and the women’s group have signed up to be Lifeguards to write notes of encouragement to the students each week and to become the prayer partners behind the scenes. This is perfect for them and right up their alley to be able to be missionaries on the local level and be able to reach out to the families of these children.”

Please pray for this Beach Club and the volunteers from Central Baptist Church to have an immediate impact on the students and staff at Lawrenceville Elementary. This will be the second of 90 elementary schools in the Gwinnett County Public Schools district to start a Beach Club and both Kimbro and Greene believe that many others will follow suit.

“That school district is wide open, we have great potential there” said Kimbro, who has had conversations with administrators within the district who would like to see many Beach Clubs in many of the schools.

“It’s not just an open door,” Greene said. “We have people inside the schools begging for someone to come in and do ministry in their schools. We can’t wait to start!”


Celebrate 200 from KiDs Beach Club on Vimeo.


Nov 25 1:10 PM

An Easy Way to Support KBC

Nov 25 1:10 PM
Nov 25 1:10 PM

When you’re doing your Christmas shopping this year, especially this week on Black Friday and CyberMonday, please shop AmazonSmile and support KiDs Beach Club®!

When you use AmazonSmile to make your purchase, Amazon automatically donates 0.5 percent of your purchase to KiDs Beach Club® at no additional cost to you. The company says that tens of millions of products on their site are eligible for AmazonSmile donations without any higher prices being passed on to the consumer.

Amazon has sent us checks from your purchases totaling $967.01 which amounts to more than four cases of Bibles that go to children in public schools.

“What a treat it is to receive a check from Amazon and the joy it brings to know that folks are thinking of KBC when they make their purchases,” KBC Finance Director Angie Hughes said. “The beauty of this program is that when our donors shop Amazon for items they regularly purchase, they don’t have to pay even a penny more to contribute to the meaningful work of KiDs Beach Club®.”

If you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet, it only takes a minute. You can start by logging onto smile.amazon.com and login with your regular Amazon account.

Then select KiDs Beach Club® as your charity and start shopping. It’s as easy as that. The hardest part is remembering to do your shopping on smile.amazon.com instead of the regular website, amazon.com, but that’s what bookmarks are for!



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