Unless you’ve volunteered in a Beach Club or heard the personal stories from volunteers or kids, it’s hard to understand what a difference Beach Club can have in the life of a child. Reaching that understanding begins with the realization that the impact is greater than simply the time the spent in Beach Club. Stark Elementary Club Leader Schalee Sanchez learned that lesson early in her time as a club leader. “It’s not just an investment in the kids’ lives for one hour once a week. It’s an investment in their lives that impacts so many other areas.”
Motley Elementary Principal Dr. Shawna DeLamar excitedly interacts regularly with the Beach Club that meets in her school, and she notices the difference in kids even away from club during the school day. “Our kids that are involved in Beach Club, it really molds their hearts to make wise decisions, just to be good friends, to be kind, to be respectful to adults. And so, our discipline has actually been reduced. You can see it in our interaction with our kids. You can see it from the adult to the student; from the student to the adult. It’s changed kids' lives. It plants the seeds for their future.”
Jimmy Draper, President Emeritus of Lifeway Christian Resources,points out that KiDs Beach Club® not only has a huge impact on the kids and volunteers involvedbut reaches way beyond that. “To have this open door that is legal and equal access. The law allows this in the schools, and it’s a way for the church to take advantage of that to reach the community and show what the church is all about. This is one of the most important things in the life of the community, in the life of the church and of the family. So it’s very significant.”
Another important step to understanding KBC’s impact on kids' lives is learning that many kids in Beach Clubs have no church home and would have no idea who Jesus is without being in KiDs Beach Club®. Former KBC Employee Michelle Gregory says, “There’s so many kids that if we don’t walk in those doors they’ll never hear the name of Jesus. Church is not something that they do as part of their life. We can’t count on that to draw them in, so we have to go where they are.”
And going where they are is what KBC will continue to do. KBC staff are excited to be returning this fall and being able to offer clubs in public schools. To see more about the impact of KBC, please enjoy the video below from our “An Evening with the STARS” 2021 fundraiser.
Published on Aug 30 @ 1:38 PM CDT