Your Role in Our Story
KiDs Beach Club® is one of the fastest growing outreach ministries to preteens in the country. Many new and dynamic Beach Clubs have been established and continue to reach preteen students and their families through a partnership with local churches. In the midst of our growth, we have come to recognize an important factor when placing a new Beach Club in a new area.
Across the United States, churches are closing their doors and selling their property from a lack of connectivity to the lost. They are unable to connect with their community due to a wide variety of reasons: transitional families, gated neighborhoods and a loss of purpose. Churches are losing their voice in the community. Their evangelistic zeal is gone. What is really missing is a strategy granting churches access into the homes.
KiDs Beach Club® accelerates open doors. In a Beach Club, meaningful relationships are forged. During the 24 weeks of club, preteens and volunteers develop lasting friendships. When a Beach Club volunteer visits the home of a child who attends Beach Club, the front door is opened wide, gladly granting access into the home. Often the kids see the volunteers arrive, go get their KBC Study Bible and greet them at the door with their Bible in hand.
KiDs Beach Club® recognizes that it is Father’s purpose for churches to reach out to the lost community. The amazing work of linking His churches to public schools is our strategy and a reflection of our desire to partner with churches to fulfill the Great Commission. Reaching every third through sixth grade boy and girl of all economic, social and ethnic backgrounds is our goal.
In Acts1:8 Jesus compels the church to go and share, “…and you will be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” For those in the KiDs Beach Club® family, that includes reaching children!