Dec 11 4:42 PM

Is My Church Healthy?

Dec 11 4:42 PM
Dec 11 4:42 PM


The "Great Commission," found in Matthew 28:19-20, is the key ingredient to a healthy church.  "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you."
Have you ever asked the question, "Is my church obeying this command?" "Is my church healthy?" "Are we doing what the Lord instructed us to do?"  "Am I doing what He wants me to do?" Those are all good questions, and truthfully you should discover the answers to each one. I believe where the real tension comes in is in the execution and practice of this command. 


Rick Warren, in his book The Purpose Driven Church, explores this issue of church health. "If your church is healthy, growth will occur naturally."  It is his belief that in order for a church to become healthy it must become a purpose-driven church. Built around the five purposes given to the church by Jesus: worship, evangelism, fellowship, discipleship and service, he is leading his church to explore their purpose allowing it to motivate to action.


Recently, I was exposed to a new and fresh strategy as it relates to church health.  John Meador, Sr. Pastor of First Baptist Euless, is leading his church to build "bridges" to those in his community that have no church home.  One way they are doing this is through their partnership with KiDs Beach Club®.  First Euless sponsors 11 Beach Clubs and by utilizing the KBC Online Management System (KOMS) they are identifying hundreds of Beach Club families that have indicated they are not connected to a church. 



Pastor Meador has trained and mobilized multiple teams of three that go out each week to ask the simple question, "Can We Talk?"  Then they begin building bridges. Since launching "Can We Talk?" over 250 visits have been made with 32 adults coming to know Christ as savior this semester alone. Pastor Meador explained that KBC allows this bridge building with the families to be a natural process due to the connection already in place with the children attending their Beach Clubs.


KiDs Beach Club
® is excited to be playing a role in the spiritual transformation of so many.  As a ministry partner, the KBC Online Management System provides all sponsoring churches with essential data revealing natural bridges to be made to prospective families who do not have a church home. 


Jack Terrell
President & Founder


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