Great Treasure Day Coming Up
Great Treasure Day – the day we hand out a KiDs Beach Club® Explorer’s Study Bible to every child in every Beach Club who has not yet received one – is just around the corner.
God’s Word is the greatest treasure on earth and it is the centerpiece of KiDs Beach Club® We want every child to have their very own copy to read, study, share and grow from, making a daily and eternal impact on their lives. This is a fun and exciting day for all involved.
We want to encourage everyone to take photos and videos during their Great Treasure Day and to share them with us at KiDs Beach Club®. You can share them on social media - @KiDsBeachClub on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram – by using the hash tag #kidsbeachclub or #greattreasureday. Also, you can email them to us at Remember, when taking video with your smart phone, please turn it on its side so that the long edge of the device is parallel to the floor.
Published on Sep 30 @ 9:55 AM CDT