RED LETTER AWARDS honors artists with exceptional talent that have created masterpieces with Kingdom intentions. KiDs Beach Club® TV has been nominated for a RED LETTER AWARD, but we need your help to add this accolade to our portfolio! Please take about 60 seconds to vote for us by following the instructions in the below graphic.
Awards and nominations like this are exciting, of course. But we know from Matthew that earthly treasures will rust and decay. No, it's not about "the win" but it is about the win for the Kingdom! With every nomination, award, and accolade we receive, it further brings credibility to the work that God continues to do through the ministry of KiDs Beach Club®. And THAT is what thrills us beyond any trophy or award we could ever receive!
Thank you for taking the time to vote! To God be the glory for all He has done and continues to do!
Published on Jul 25 @ 2:35 PM CDT
Podcast update
You may have noticed that we haven't featured new podcasts lately. It's not because we don't want to. In fact, we have been working on a long list of people that we want to feature!
However, we believe the things we produce should be done with excellence, and we are desperately in need of new video equipment! If you or your church have recently upgraded your equipment, we would love to have a conversation about our A/V needs! Until then, stay tuned!
"Whatever your hand finds to do,
do it with all your might!"
Ecclesiastes 9:10
Published on Jul 25 @ 2:30 PM CDT
...and Alabama Makes 11!
We are thrilled to share that the 2023-24 school year is going to see its first KiDs Beach Club® in the great state of Alabama!
Our new church partner El Bethel Baptist Church in Chancellor, AL has just received administration approval to host a club! KBC's Tina Kimbro shared that after presenting the KBC model, the principal said, "Why wouldn't we want to have a Beach Club®?"
We praise God for opening to us yet another state where we can make Jesus Cool at School™! Thank you, El Bethel Baptist Church for partnering with KBC!
With this new club, KBC now has a presence in each of the gulf-coast states: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida!
Published on Jul 25 @ 2:15 PM CDT
Setting the Captive Free: One Soul at a Time
Millions of people are held captive to Islam.
What if God could use YOU to set them FREE?
Iran has a population of about 88 Million. The Iranian government reports that 99.4% of those people identify as muslim. Government restrictions prohibit practicing Christianity, and Christians who dare take a stand for God are severely persecuted. Bibles are illegal. Public gatherings in church are illegal. The Iranian people are held captive to government control and the teachings of Islam. At KBC, our vision is to give every preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience, includign the preteens in countries like Iran that are so difficult to reach.
But what can WE actually do to set these captive free?
How can we possibly give these preteens a Jesus experience when it's illegal?
We are so glad you asked, because we have exciting things to share with you! KiDs Beach Club® is on the cusp of partnering with a ministry who is actively setting them free, one soul at a time, not only in Iran, but in other Farsi speaking countries like Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan!
And they are doing it through the use of SATELLITE TELEVISION!
You see, the governments of these countries closely regulate and monitor internet activity. They monitor public gatherings. BUT, try as they might, the use of satellite dishes has exploded, and they have not been able to regulate the airwaves! Nearly every home in Iran has access to a satellite dish, as do many homes in the other countries mentioned. The ministry we are potentially partnering with operates a satellite TV network with 6 Million Viewers DAILY! They hold weekly church services, operate a discipleship school, and have a Farsi-speaking team of counselors in a call center. The call center is manned 24-7 and trained staff are available to personally respond to any calls or questions about the one true God that viewers have. This call center is DAILY seeing people come to Christ and have recorded well over 100,000 decisions! God is using this ministry and the airwaves to bring about another Great Awakening!
How does KiDs Beach Club® fit in?
This ministry needs Christian children's content, content that shares the Gospel. And guess what? Every episode of KiDs Beach Club® TV clearly does exactly that! We believe God is moving to have all three seasons of KiDs Beach Club® TV dubbed into it's first foreign language: FARSI.
How can you help?
The need is great, and we are asking you to do two things. First, pray with us about this opportunity. Our corporate plan calls for dubbing the KBC TV show into Spanish, Portuguese, Urdu, and yes, Farsi! 32% of the world's population speaks English or one of these languages. Pray for wisdom as we work with this ministry and iron-out the partnership details.
Finally, we ask that you prayerfully consider partnering with us financially to make this vision a reality. We are asking God to provide $50,000 for dubbing all three seasons (55 episodes) into Farsi.
We serve a God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills, even the hills in Iran. We are believing He will move in the hearts of His people to bring this project to a reality.
Preach the Gospel to the poor...Proclaim liberty to the captives...Set the captives free! (Luke 4:18)
Your gift can set the captives free! Just follow the below link and be sure to click "Use my donation for dubbing KBC-TV into new languages."
Published on Jun 26 @ 10:42 AM CDT
Beach Patrol Prayer Team Update
KBC's Volunteers Director Steve Brines, along with our Volunteer Prayer Team Leader Ted Carson have been leading KBC's Beach Patrol Prayer Team in weekly focused intercession for KiDs Beach Club®. Each week, the team receives an email that includes a call to prayer, specific KBC prayer needs, and incredible praises and answers to prayer from prior weeks. It's been so exciting to see how God is growing this team and answering each prayer that is brought before Him!
In coming weeks, the team hopes to have a united prayer gathering via Zoom, where each team member can lift KBC before the throne of grace together. Please consider joining this team. There's always room for one more! We covet each and every prayer lifted on behalf of KiDs Beach Club®! We also want to give a big shout-out to Ted Carson, long-time friend of our founder Jack Terrell, for stepping up to lead this group of praying champions!
As a reminder, Beach Patrol is what we call KBC's group of volunteers outside of Clubs. What's that you say? You're not a prayer warrior, but you still want to volunteer in other ways? Learn more about Beach Patrol by clicking the Get Involved button below, or click the I'm Interested button and tell us what you're interested in. Our Volunteers Director Steve Brines will give you a call and walk you through other opportunities that might be a better fit for you!
KBC's Volunteer Prayer Team Leader Ted Carson
Published on Jun 22 @ 10:48 AM CDT
From the Voice of a Volunteer
Gene Parks, KiDs Beach Club® Volunteer, 2022-2023 School Year
Cora, a rising 4th grader from Spring Garden Elementary chose to make Jesus her Forever Friend during Beach Club® this last year. She made that decision public to her pastor and church family on June 4th when she followed the Lord in baptism. "Ms. Gene," one of Cora's Beach Club® leaders was there to support and cheer Cora on in this great decision! Before being baptized, Cora had the pastor say, "A shout out to KiDs Beach Club® and Ms. Gene for helping me with my decision!"
We serve a mighty God who is actively working on the hearts of the precious children who attend Club week in and week out. You see, Cora already knew about Jesus when she started attending Beach Club® last fall. He was no stranger to her, but He was not yet her personal Forever Friend. Then one day during Club, Cora asked Ms. Gene if she could help her ask Jesus into her heart, settling that decision once and for all!
Gene shared with us, "All glory, honor, and praise be to God for Cora's decision and for using KBC for His Kingdom! I am so grateful God allowed me to see the fruit! What a beautiful example of how God uses KBC to partner with churches!"
When a seed is planted, we never know when it will take root and produce fruit. In Cora's case, not only did that seed take root, but Ms. Gene was able to plant more seeds by ministering to Cora's extended family. She was able to encourage and pray for Cora's older sister who was nervous about starting high school in the fall, and she was able to share Christ with another family member who herself was wrestling with that same decision Cora made.
Pictured Above: Cora's Beach Club® on Great Treasure Day!
Cora's story is why we do what we do here at KBC! And it's why we keep doing it!
THANK YOU to all our volunteers who faithfully serve each week during the school year!
Thank you for being sensitive to the Holy Spirit and for showing up to support
your Beach Club® kids, even when it's not your home church!
Pictured Left: "Ms. Gene" with her husband Dave
Published on Jun 22 @ 8:16 AM CDT