May 29 12:35 PM

KiDs Beach Club® TV wins coveted GOLD People's Telly!

May 29 12:35 PM
May 29 12:35 PM

A lot of exciting things have been happening in recent weeks for KiDs Beach Club® Television, and we are so thrilled to share a few of the highlights with you.

For starters, the 2023 Telly Awards were announced on May 23rd, and KiDs Beach Club® TV Season 3 has been awarded its first GOLD TELLY, a People's Telly.

This is especially exciting because votes were cast from across the world, and only two GOLD Tellys were awarded in our category! This is also our first-ever Golden Telly, and we are thrilled to represent Christ unashamedly in this category! Prior to this year, we had won only 1 silver Telly and 8 Bronze ones.
That all changed with the latest awards, as KBC TV brought home 3 additional Silver Telly Awards! Here's the details...

Silver Telly in the Children's TV Category
This is same category that all Children's Television is in.
Two Gold Telly's were awarded, both going to productions by the Jim Henson Company.

Silver Telly in the Television General / Charitable / 
Not-for profit & Cause Marketing Category

Silver Telly in the Social Impact Category
In the Season 3 episode on "Friendliness" the Beach Club® KiDs explore the importance of befriending and accepting others with differences.
Our writer Beth Banfill is especially excited about this Telly, as she consulted with family friends Ty and Kathryn Culbreth, parents of Logan Jade who was born with Down Syndrome.

Watch the Episode

Finally, we were awarded a Bronze Telly in the category of Television General-Religious/Spiritual. 

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! take a deep breath and keep reading!

Since last month, KiDs Beach Club® Season 2 was awarded a prestigious "Best TV Show" by the International Christian Film Festival (ICFF)! Thank you to Bridgestone Multi-Media Group (BMG, #EncourageTV), our distributor for Season 2 for entering us into the ICFF competition!

As mentioned in our Surf Report, we were also a finalist in the category of "Best TV Show" at the ICVM Crown Awards. This ia a prestigious honor and the first time ever recognized as a finalist. The winner in this category was announced at a special awards ceremony in Orlando last week, with The Chosen being named the winner. We were thrilled to even be nominated and praise God for the recognition He has given us! 

May 29 12:34 PM

Why Giving KiDs Bibles Matters

May 29 12:34 PM
May 29 12:34 PM

Last month, we sat down with former Board Member Fray Webster to talk about Why Giving KiDs Bibles Matters. Fray and his sweet wife Nancy have been close friends and supporters of KiDs Beach Club® since the very early days, and Fray has served several rotations on the KBC Board.

Back in 2014, God impressed on Fray's heart that KiDs Beach Club® should be giving out Bibles to every child who attended Beach Club®. (Prior to that, only about 25% of kids attending Beach Club® received Bibles. They were given out in drawings and as an award to encourage the kids.)

Following the Holy Spirit's stirring, during the next Board Meeting, Fray introduced the idea: "Why don't we give every child a Bible?" Fray shared, "We would talk about reaching every child, getting the Word of God out there to them. What if we actually gave every child a Bible?" When he made the statement, the room went silent, and everyone in the room knew we needed to do it!

Everyone in the Board Meeting had complete peace and complete fear, because giving every child a Bible was a huge financial commitment, but they knew it was the right decision.

That board meeting took place in 2014, and beginning in 2015, every child in every Beach Club® began receiving their very own copy of the Greatest Treasure: God's Word. Currently, KBC has distributed over 72,650 Bibles to preteens in public schools! 

Thank you, Fray, for following God's leading to speak up in that Board Meeting! While we can count the number of Bibles that have been given out, only God knows the eternal impact that decision has made on entire families!

Hop on over to KBC's podcast page to watch or listen to the full interview with Fray Webster! We have a warehouse full of Bibles (hot off the press) that arrived just a few months ago. If you want to help sponsor Bibles for KiDs, just click the button below.

Apr 24 12:20 PM

Bibles, Bibles, and More Bibles!

Apr 24 12:20 PM
Apr 24 12:20 PM



During the 2022-23 school year, KiDs Beach Club®  distributed 3,319 KBC Study Bibles in public schools, exhausting our existing stock. The good news is that a fresh order of 6300 Bibles has just landed at our warehouse, just in time for two more schools to hold their Great Treasure Day! (Great Treasure Day is the dedicated day in Beach Club® when kids are given their KBC Study Bibles!)


Will you please pray about making a special gift today to help cover the costs associated with these Bibles? A $20 donation will place the Bible in the hands  of a child at a public school. $250 will sponsor Bibles for 15 children. $1000 will sponsor Bibles for 50 homes!

Apr 24 12:20 PM

And New Jersey Makes 10!

Apr 24 12:20 PM
Apr 24 12:20 PM

Last month, we shared about adding New Mexico to our state count, bringing our total to nine states. This month, we're happy to report that number has increased again, totaling ten!  

Our new church partner Trinity Pentecostal Church of God has been attempting to start a Beach Club® in New Jersey literally the entire 2022-23 school year. This church partner heard about us first through the television program Washington Watch, where host Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council interviewed KBC's founder Jack Terrell.

The enemy threw roadblocks at every turn, but in the end, God prevailed, as He always does. The very first New Jersey Beach Club® will meet on May 2nd in School 13. Please pray with us that this 6-week Beach Club® will be a huge success, introducing many more kids in the future to Jesus!

Want an update from last month's New Mexico Club launch?  

On April 13th, the very first Beach Club® in New Mexico met. Our church partner Elevate Ministries had a small group for the first day of Beach Club®, but by the 2nd week, the number of kids attending had doubled! Keep praying for God to move in and change lives!   

Apr 24 12:16 PM

Parent Perspective

Apr 24 12:16 PM
Apr 24 12:16 PM



It's not uncommon to receive feedback from parents about their child's experience in Beach Club®. We hear stories almost weekly, and some are just too good not to share! Take a look at some of the great stories we've received, just in the last two weeks!

Heather's Story...
"Harper sealed the deal!" said one parent after their family attended a Good Friday service where the pastor built a cross on stage. Heather continued, "She started bawling when she saw Pastor John raise up the cross. Then he started talking about LOVE, and she looked up at me and said, 'that was our Beach Club® word yesterday!' I literally watched the realization that the cross means love click in her brain. It was so amazing to see it play out before my very eyes!"
-- Heather C. (parent and Beach Club® volunteer)

Jayun's Story...
"I like how my son reads the Bible regularly and is able to share what he learns from the bible with family. Also, I love hearing his prayer to God every morning before going to school. Without you and your team's passion and love for kids, this would have been so difficult. So I appreciate it every week!"
-- Jayun H. (parent)

Lori's Story...
"My child will actually be baptized this coming Sunday April 16th. She / we are so excited. I am so very thankful to ya'll for doing this at school. She has already signed up for summer camp also. I am so proud of her, this is one of the biggest steps she will make in her life. Thank you again for sharing with me."
-- Lori W. (parent)

Thank you to our volunteers who pour into the lives of each child in Club! Because of their commitment to leading top-notch clubs, combined with the power of the Gospel, kids lives are forever changed!

Apr 24 11:15 AM

Update: Beach Patrol

Apr 24 11:15 AM
Apr 24 11:15 AM

As a reminder, Beach Patrol is what we call KBC's group of Volunteers outside of Clubs. Our Prayer Team is growing, and we've already seen God answer prayer by bringing two new states to the KBC map! Another Beach Patrol Team that is underway is our Outreach Team. This team will work to promote the ministry of KiDs Beach Club® to schools and churches. We hope to soon see these volunteers out in the community, bringing awareness to the opportunities of the organization. More volunteer teams are in the process of forming, too! Click the I'm Interested button below to fill out the Beach Patrol Interest Form, and to find out more information on Beach Patrol, just click the Get Involved button!
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