Sep 26 1:55 PM

Great Treasure Day is Coming!

Sep 26 1:55 PM
Sep 26 1:55 PM

Great Treasure Day, the day every child in every Beach Club receives his or her own KBC Explorer’s Study Bible, is coming to your club very soon. Actually, a small number of clubs has already had Great Treasure Day. This fall, Great Treasure Day will take place in a record 180 Beach Clubs. This fall, it’s highly likely we will hand out the 60,000th Bible since our ministry began in 2003.

God’s word is the greatest treasure anyone could ever find, and it is the foundation on which KiDs Beach Club® is built. We want every child to have their very own KiDs Beach Club® Bible to read, study, share and grow from, making a daily and eternal impact on their lives. This is a fun and exciting day for all involved.

Great Treasure Day is celebrated differently by every Beach Club and usually takes place during the fifth club meeting each year. Most of those will fall in the month of October though some Beach Clubs will celebrate their Great Treasure Day in November. 

Bibles are provided to our partnering churches at no additional cost to them. This is because of our many great Bibles for Beach Club donors, whether they give at the annual Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinner, on North Texas Giving Day or as a monthly Bible donor. 

We want to encourage everyone to take photos and videos during their Great Treasure Day and to share them with us at KiDs Beach Club®. And when those Bibles make it into your home, we want to hear what getting a Bible means to your kids and what giving a Bible to a child means to you!

Please share your pictures, videos and stories on social media by using the hashtags #KiDsBeachClub and #GreatTreasureDay. We hope you’ll follow us and engage with us in our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram communities.

If social media isn’t your thing, you can email us anytime at so that we can communicate it on our blog or in the monthly Surf Report e-newsletter.

To see when Great Treasure Day will be held in your child’s Beach Club, visit that club’s page on our website, which can be found by clicking



Sep 26 1:46 PM

Bring Your Bible to School Day is October 4

Sep 26 1:46 PM
Sep 26 1:46 PM

Children who attend Beach Club already bring their Bible to school on the day their club meets, but KiDs Beach Club® is encouraging everyone to bring their Bible with them to school another special day; Bring Your Bible to School Day is Thursday, October 4. 

Bring Your Bible to School Day is an annual, nationwide, religious-freedom initiative for students from elementary school all the way up to college level. It was created by Focus on the Family to equip and empower Christian students to understand their religious freedoms and express their biblical beliefs in a way that shows the love of Jesus.

Participation in Bring Your Bible to School Day is student organized and initiated, as well as protected under both First Amendment and Equal Access rights. These are the same rights that allow KiDs Beach Club® to be held on public school campuses.

In recent years, you may have noticed the increase in news headlines about students being told they can’t engage in simple religious-freedom activities, such as reading their Bible personally during free time or praying during lunch. That’s why it’s so important to come alongside our students and encourage them that they do still have religious-freedoms protected under the United States Constitution–and they don’t have to be ashamed of or hide their deeply held religious beliefs.

Our Beach Club kids know they can have their Bible at school and read it during quiet time. They enjoy reading it before school, in the library, hallway, cafeteria and even together on the playground.

They are taught how to share their faith and pray with their classmates. These religious freedoms are protected. 

On Bring Your Bible to School Day, thousands of students across the country will take the lead on their campuses to celebrate religious freedom and share God’s hope with peers by taking a simple action: Bringing their Bible to school!

We hope all Beach Club kids will participate and we encourage you to your KBC Study Bible with you to school that day. If you can take a picture of your child with his or her KBC Bible at school and share it with us using the hash tags #BringYourBible and #MyKBCBible we would love to see those pictures!

To learn more about what you can do to support the students’ efforts and help them get the word out, please visit They have resources for parents and churches to help you share the event with your students. They also have videos of students just like yours sharing their story of bringing their Bible to school. They even have explanations about myth vs. fact regarding students’ legal rights. 

I Timothy 4:12 says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.” And that’s what the Bring Your Bible website seeks to equip students to do.

Parental support for students participating in Bring Your Bible to School Day will be absolutely key since it does require courage in this culture of spiritual relativism to acknowledge the existence of redemptive truth. So, we hope you will surround your student participant with prayer and encouragement as they participate in the event.



Sep 26 1:39 PM

Share Your KBC Story with Us

Sep 26 1:39 PM
Sep 26 1:39 PM

KiDs Beach Club® is grateful for our kids, parents, volunteers, educators, churches and other friends of our ministry. We are excited to hear how the Lord is working in your child’s life, in your family, in your Beach Club, in your school and in your church.

Your KBC stories and experiences not only inspire us at the corporate office but they also encourage others who are part of our amazing team of more than 2,500 volunteers and more than 20,000 parents and supporters. 

As the Lord provides powerful moments in Beach Club, please take a moment to share them with us by visiting Of course, you can email your story idea to or you can share them with us on social media by using the hashtag #MyKBCStory.

We want to not only showcase you and the kids at Beach Cub but to show our amazing donors and supporters how their prayers and financial gifts are resulting in life-changing experiences in communities and public schools across the country.

We have many avenues to share your great stories with thousands of our KBC friends:


Share Your Story



Sep 05 1:52 PM

God’s Word Making Impact in Public Schools

Sep 05 1:52 PM
Sep 05 1:52 PM

We hear it all the time: God can’t be in public schools! The Bible isn’t allowed in schools anymore! Since you’re a supporter of KiDs Beach Club®, you know neither of those statements is true.

Even some of our volunteers occasionally find it difficult to believe they are sharing the gospel with kids in public school, but they never take it for granted or underestimate their role in the spiritual development of children.

“Being able to come into this school on a weekly basis and teach God’s word and teach who He is to these kids is an amazing and unique opportunity,” said Katherine Criswell, a Beach Club volunteer at Mohawk Elementary in Richardson, Texas.

“I didn’t even realize that you could go into a school and have a Bible club at a public school,” she admitted. “To have that opportunity is a huge blessing and a huge ministry opportunity… they may not have a good understanding as to who God really is and who Jesus really is and why Jesus was sent to earth for them to have that intimate relationship that they can have with Him.”

Kids not only have a weekly opportunity in Beach Club to sing worship songs to God and to learn who God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are, but they can learn about Him through stories in the Bible. Thanks to donors like you, we are able to provide every child in every Beach Club with their very own study Bible and our volunteers are teaching kids how to use it.

“We can teach them how to incorporate that into their lives,” Criswell said. “We can teach them character traits that hopefully we’re planting nuggets and truth within their hearts… that I hope will eventually take root and that they can then look back years later and have those little nuggets that they can dwell on for whatever experience and trials they are going through.”

Courtney Cain spent several years as the club leader at Hanby Elementary in Mesquite, Texas. She had previously taught fourth grade at the school and remembers when she first realized the school needed Beach Club at her school.

“One day, in the middle of the school day, one of my students was very upset so I took him aside in the hallway when the rest of the class went to P.E.,” Cain said. “He said he was very scared because his older brother had given him drugs and he had smoked earlier that morning. He was terrified that he was going to get arrested.”

Cain said she knew many kids she taught have difficulty at home but said that story made it very real for her. That is when God told her it was time to get Beach Club at Hanby. Beach Club is teaching kids the difference between right and wrong through the truth of God’s word.

“God’s word is so powerful!” Cain reminds us. “When we put Bibles in the hands of these kids, those Bibles are going into those homes where these things are happening and where these kids are experiencing trauma or hopelessness. For the word of God to be going into their homes and for them to go share what they have just learned at Beach Club, and for the kids to have consistency with people of God each week and to associate God with love and with generosity, it really opens their eyes to all that He has for them. It really just starts planting those seeds and giving them hope.”

When you read stories like these about the opportunity we have with this ministry, there is little doubt of the eternal impact we’re making in God’s kingdom.



Aug 03 12:21 PM

Only Four Weeks Remain of the 'Hang 10' Summer Reading Program

Aug 03 12:21 PM
Aug 03 12:21 PM

I don't know about you, but doesn't it seem like the summer keeps getting shorter and shorter? How is it August already? That means that it's the final month of the "Hang 10" Summer Reading Program! We hope you'll stick with it even after you head back to school.

If you've kept up you should be in Week 10 this week, leaving us just four weeks to go. During that time, we'll explore: Paul's Letters, Paul's Pastoral Letters, General Letters and Prophecy.

Remember the Summer Reading Program isn't just for kids! We are encouraging everyone to "Hang 10" this summer. Parents, teachers and Beach Club volunteers can lead by example and spend at least 10 minutes each day with God through Bible reading and prayer.

LINK: Summer Reading Program

The entire program will continue to walk you and your child through the Bible, book by book. These daily readings help kids continue the habit of daily Bible reading and prayer.

Another way you can participate is by sending us photos of your children or grandchildren doing the Summer Reading Plan with their KBC Study Bible. Follow us at @KiDsBeachClub on FacebookTwitter and Instagram and share your posts by mentioning us or using the hashtag #Hang10SRP

With every photo you share using that hashtag during the months of July and August, you will be entered in a drawing for a 20 oz. Bison tumbler branded with the KBC logo.

Following our social media accounts is also a great way to receive daily reminders about the Summer Reading Program. We'd love for you to share the reminders with your friends using your own social media accounts or by forwarding this email to all your friends using the "forward this email" link below.

Good luck as you head back to school and don't forget Beach Club will be starting back up soon and we can't wait to see you there! We pray you have a great year!



Jul 27 4:56 PM

KiDs Beach Club Helping Change Culture of Public Schools

Jul 27 4:56 PM
Jul 27 4:56 PM

You almost can’t turn on the TV, read a newspaper or sift through your social media feeds without seeing discouraging news about the culture of public schools. From bullying, peer pressure, alcohol or drug use, sexual harassment or assault, suicide and even school shootings, what our kids experience in schools is mirroring what we see in our communities.

People are quick to point a finger at why they think it’s this way, but many people fail to acknowledge the real reason. As believers in Christ, we know the real problem is sin.

"When God left the schools, chaos entered in,” Dallas-Fort Worth area pastor Tony Evans said during a sermon at his church – Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship – following the school shooting in Parkland, Fla. in February. “Wherever God is removed, chaos will fill that space… in your life, in your family, in our culture.”

Too many people in our country think they can live without God, but they lack an eternal focus. Politicians were pressured to remove God out of our schools and we’re seeing a moral decline in that space where our children spend so much of their time.

“The wrath of God is revealed when He releases you to life without Him,” Evans said at the Southern Baptist Conference Pastors Conference in Dallas last month. “When He releases you to put Him out of our lives, out of our schools, out of our culture, out of our environment… God is saying you can have life without Me, but you won’t like it.”

Evans said the responsibility falls on the church to get God back in spaces where he has been removed. He told his congregation, “We will do our part as a church for you, for our community to get God back in the proper place so we can bring ease to a chaotic world.”

He’s right! It’s the responsibility of the church to help our communities return to God. KiDs Beach Club® is a solution to do just that. KiDs Beach Club® is an innovative ministry established to mobilize the church to go outside its walls in order to take the message of Jesus Christ into the heart of its community.

Speaking just two days after Evans at the Southern Baptist Conference Annual Meeting, Vice President Mike Pence spoke to attendees and praised the work churches and ministries like KiDs Beach Club® are doing to change communities.

“The most important work in America doesn’t happen in the White House,” Pence said. “We know the most meaningful work, the most transformative work, happens where you live, where your ministries impact, in the hearts and minds of American people.”

This fall, KiDs Beach Club® will partner with churches to sponsor after-school Bible clubs in nearly 200 schools in 11 states. Each club meets immediately after school for 24 weeks during the school year and our screened and trained volunteers teach an energetic, customizable curriculum that stresses the character words they’re already talking about in school; but in Beach Club, are defined through the lens of scripture.

Just like a message from church can stick with someone the rest of the week, an hour of Beach Club can stick with a child and change the outcome of their week to follow.

And in many instances, Beach Club may be the only “church” a child is exposed to.

Historically, more than 62 percent of children who come to Beach Club have indicated they don’t have a church home. To God’s glory, nearly 8,300 children have made Jesus their Forever Friend and accepted Him as Lord and Savior of their lives in a Beach Club.

Through our generous donors, KiDs Beach Club® provides a customized study Bible to every child in every Beach Club at no cost to our partnering churches or families. Since 2003, we have given out more than 55,000 Bibles to children in public schools. In most instances, those Bibles are the first Bible a child has ever received and in some instances it’s the only Bible in their home. Together, with weekly take-home reading plans encouraging kids to spend 10 minutes daily reading God’s word or in prayer, we’re able to reach their entire family and connect them to the partnering church.

Michael Proctor, a retired juvenile probation officer, volunteers at the Beach Club at Mohawk Elementary in Richardson. He has seen first-hand what can become of a child with no love and guidance.

“More needs to be put into prevention,” Proctor said about how to make an impact in communities. “Instead of dealing with things after they have already happened. That is what this program (KiDs Beach Club®) is about.”

Dr. David Vroonland is the superintendent of schools in Mesquite Independent School District and sees the tremendous benefit KiDs Beach Club® brings to his campuses. This fall, as many as 20 of his 33 elementary schools will have a Beach Club with that list expected to grow by at least two in the spring.

“All of those children need the opportunity to experience the love and the faith and the educational experiences.”

As a young child, Vroonland grew up in poverty. Approximately 75 percent of the children in his school district come from poverty. Without these three elements in his life, Vroonland could very well have been stuck in poverty, but through his adoptive family he was shown love, brought up in faith and received a quality education.

“Those three things made a huge difference in my life,” Vroonland said. “Significantly and obviously is God’s presence. Those three things matter… That’s why church volunteers who minister to these kids with love, helping people in faith, and your ensuring the quality of their education will provide a direction for young people you just simply can’t understand. You can’t understand the impact of that.”

For more information about how your church can start a Beach Club or to see how you can get one in your child’s public school, click here to see how your church can partner with us or get a Beach Club in your school.



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