KiDs Beach Club Can Impact the Whole Family
KiDs Beach Club® often impacts more than just the children who attend Beach Club. It can be a life changer, altering the lives and eternal future of an entire family.
Christine Zanella, a volunteer at Wekiva Elementary School in Longwood, Fla., and her family’s trajectory were completely changed by her son after he signed up for Beach Club.
“My son, John, was the first child to sign up for KiDs Beach Club® in 2015 at Wakiva Elementary,” she said. “Throughout the first two years, I could see how this ministry was a blessing for my family.”
The simple and practical way the Bible was explained was amazing.
In 2017, Zanella’s son and daughter were in Beach Club. John was starting fifth grade and her daughter Carolina was starting second grade. She had already been volunteering for Beach Club events but was asked to become a full volunteer with this club.
“I certainly loved and was excited to be a part of it,” she exclaimed. “Today, I have been volunteering at this Beach Club for two years, and this ministry is, literally, God's hands in my family's life.”
Zanella says that both of her kids chose to have Jesus as their savior through Beach Club and that they attend First Baptist Church Sweetwater, the partnering church.
“My daughter and I were both baptized there on February 3, 2019,” she said. “The kids are participating in the youth groups at church, and John attends FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) at his middle school every Wednesday morning.”
KiDs Beach Club® was the open door for her family to come to Jesus as Savior and for a life closer to God.
“I am really grateful to be a KBC Surf Team leader today, share the word of God with the kids in our school, and pray for their families!” she said.
When Jack Terrell, the president and founder of KiDs Beach Club®, heard about the Zanella family, he responded, “it’s humbling to know that when a church is mobilized to see people outside its walls and then allows its laity to be equipped to use the KBC model, the results are always the same... changed lives!”
Published on May 14 @ 3:07 PM CDT