Sep 24 10:09 AM

The Power of Support! - GEM Story

Sep 24 10:09 AM
Sep 24 10:09 AM

When Emmitt Smith, the all-time leading rusher in the NFL, was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame, he gave an inspiring speech, starting off by thanking his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for blessing him with the talent to do what he did for his career.

During his speech, he thanked many of his former teammates, but only one of them brought Emmitt to tears. That was Daryl “Moose” Johnston, the Dallas Cowboys fullback that had “plowed the road” ahead of Emmitt for years.

Emmitt, through the tears streaming down his face, said that he could not have done what he did in his career without the sacrifices Daryl made to give him the opens lanes he sprinted through. He told Daryl in front of the world, “Without you, I know today would not have been possible.”

In the same sense, KiDs Beach Club® couldn’t do the work we do without our faithful monthly supporters. KBC GEMs (Give Every Month) are our CHAMPIONS because you remove the “financial” roadblocks we face so our ministry can move forward to reach children and their families for Jesus Christ!

Your faithful monthly donation helps KiDs Beach Club® better plan financially by providing stability to our budget and expanding our joint ministry.

Monthly donations are easy and automatic! No having to remember to send a check or go online… just set up once and you’re done! Become our newest GEM Champion today by clicking on the link in this email. Signing up is fast and easy.

THANK YOU for your faithful monthly support of KiDs Beach Club®! You are our Hall of Famers!



THANK YOU for your faithful monthly support of KiDs Beach Club®.



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