Jan 29 1:14 PM

Maickel Melamed: A Champion's Heart, A Champion's Mission

Jan 29 1:14 PM
Jan 29 1:14 PM

Venezuelan long-distance runner Maickel Melamed faces incredible physical challenges when doing the things most people take for granted, such as simply walking. He was born with a rare condition similar to muscular dystrophy that has left his muscles twisted and weak.

But Maickel has the heart of a CHAMPION!



In 2015, he decided to compete in the Boston Marathon, one of the most demanding races even the most well-trained athletes struggle to complete. Determined to try, regardless of his physical limitations, Maickel took off with thousands of other runners.

But the race was especially grueling for Maickel. After almost a full day and night of running, his body was giving out. He was exhausted, freezing, and unable to move more than six small steps without stopping to rest in a torrential downpour. But he didn’t quit.

At 4:30 in the morning the day after the marathon began, Maickel was the absolute last person to cross the finish line. When interviewed after the race, he said, “We can do amazing stuff if we work together.” Even finishing last, he was a CHAMPION because he refused to stop regardless of the physical strain.

For KiDs Beach Club®, our faithful ministry partners who Give Every Month (GEMs) are our champions. KBC GEMs provide the stable financial base for our ministry to take the message of Jesus Christ to preteens into public school around the country! That in and of itself is AMAZING STUFF!

No matter how small or how large, your monthly gift helps KBC reach children and their families with the Good News of Jesus! Giving is easy and quick… simply scan the QR code or go to www.kidsbeachclub.org/donate and be sure to select the MONTHLY gift frequency.

Please become a KBC GEM CHAMPION today!


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