Aug 31 10:06 AM

Kimbro Joins KBC Staff

Aug 31 10:06 AM
Aug 31 10:06 AM

Tina Kimbro has joined the KiDs Beach Club® as the independent area strategist for Central Florida.

Kimbro has served as a director of children's ministry for 18 years and is a contract worker for The Florida Baptist Convention, equipping children’s ministry leaders in children's evangelism, Sunday School and missions. She attends Trinity Baptist Church in Apopka, Fla., where she teaches a small group Bible study, coordinates the children's choir program and leads kids’ worship.

Her husband Jay also serves in the church as associate pastor of discipleship, missions and evangelism. He previously served KiDs Beach Club® as an area director in Florida. They have three children and nine grandchildren. In her free time, she enjoys being with family and walking on the beach.






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