Aug 28 11:18 AM

KBC Announces New Partnership with Iran Alive Ministries

Aug 28 11:18 AM
Aug 28 11:18 AM

Reaching Preteens in Iran

"...You guys are an answer to our prayer because we know that the children today are going to be the leaders of tomorrow. It is important for us to pour into them the message of Gospel and help them connect with the God of this universe... Your program is just what we have been praying for! It's interactive. It's relatable. I am blown away by the quality that you guys are producing, the script that you're using for them. And so we are thrilled to be a partner with you, to be able to broadcast it to potentially 6 million viewers daily that get to hear this."     

---Lily Meschi, Director of Partner Relations, Iran Alive Ministries

What once was a dream for KiDs Beach Club® is now becoming a reality through a new partnership with Iran Alive Ministries (IAM.) Iran Alive is reaching Iranians with the Gospel, one soul at a time. They do this through broadcasting evangelistic programming into Iran via satellite 24-7, connecting new believers to house churches, smuggling Bibles through their underground church network, and through a Discipleship School. Soon, they will also reach Iranians and other Farsi-speaking countries with the Gospel through a Farsi-dubbed preteen program called KiDs Beach Club®! Yes, the initial steps have already begun toward dubbing KiDs Beach Club® TV into its first foreign language: Farsi. Praise God with us as we celebrate His goodness!

This podcast is a CAN'T MISS episode! Lily shares the compelling truth of Christian persecution in Iran and how KiDs Beach Club® TV is an answer to Iran Alive's prayers for reaching families in Iran!


Please pray for God to supply the needed funds for dubbing all 55 episodes of KBC TV into Farsi. Please consider making a designated gift today to offset the costs related to this project.


Designate Dubbing        Watch the Podcast      Learn more about Iran Alive Ministries


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