Feb 25 8:06 AM

How One Child's Faith Transformed an Entire Family!

Feb 25 8:06 AM
Feb 25 8:06 AM

Lily, a fifth grader, made the life-changing decision to trust Jesus at Beach Club®. Little did she know, her faith would spark a movement within her entire family.

A few weeks after her salvation, Lily told her mom she wanted to go to church. Though hesitant, her mom agreed. And to everyone’s surprise, Lily’s little sister and grandmother came along too. This was a miraculous moment, as her grandmother had previously vowed never to step inside a church again.

The next Sunday, even more family members showed up: Uncles, aunts, and cousins, filling two full rows of pews. That morning, Lily felt something stirring in her heart. She told her pastor, “Something’s wrong… I need to talk to you aboutsomething missing.” As they walked through her salvation decision, she realized what she needed was baptism. Just as she made that decision, her uncle stepped forward, saying, “Pastor, I need to get saved.” Right then and there, he surrendered his life to Christ.

The impact didn’t stop there. In the following weeks, Lily’s cousin also gave her life to Jesus, and her cousin’s mom, recommitted her faith and was baptized. Then, Lily and her uncle were baptized together, marking another incredible moment for their growing faith-filled family.

Lily and her family have been faithfully attending church and even Wednesday night Bible studies. What started with one child’s salvation has led to an entire family drawing closer to Jesus and it all began with KiDs Beach Club®.

Would you like to see stories like Lily’s happen in your church? Learn more at kidsbeachclub.org.


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