Jun 22 10:48 AM

Beach Patrol Prayer Team Update

Jun 22 10:48 AM
Jun 22 10:48 AM

KBC's Volunteers Director Steve Brines, along with our Volunteer Prayer Team Leader Ted Carson have been leading KBC's Beach Patrol Prayer Team in weekly focused intercession for KiDs Beach Club®. Each week, the team receives an email that includes a call to prayer, specific KBC prayer needs, and incredible praises and answers to prayer from prior weeks. It's been so exciting to see how God is growing this team and answering each prayer that is brought before Him!

In coming weeks, the team hopes to have a united prayer gathering via Zoom, where each team member can lift KBC before the throne of grace together. Please consider joining this team. There's always room for one more! We covet each and every prayer lifted on behalf of KiDs Beach Club®! We also want to give a big shout-out to Ted Carson, long-time friend of our founder Jack Terrell, for stepping up to lead this group of praying champions!

As a reminder, Beach Patrol is what we call KBC's group of volunteers outside of Clubs. What's that you say? You're not a prayer warrior, but you still want to volunteer in other ways? Learn more about Beach Patrol by clicking the Get Involved button below, or click the I'm Interested button and tell us what you're interested in. Our Volunteers Director Steve Brines will give you a call and walk you through other opportunities that might be a better fit for you!

Get Involved  I'm Interested

KBC's Volunteer Prayer Team Leader Ted Carson


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