Mar 05 1:52 PM

Beach Clubs in Louisiana Garner Media Attention

Mar 05 1:52 PM
Mar 05 1:52 PM

The Beach Clubs at E.K. Key, Frasch and Oak Park elementary schools in Louisiana were recently featured in an article in the Lake Charles American Press.

The article starts, “For students in three area elementary schools, learning about the good news is easier than ever. It gets delivered to them once a week.”

The American Press article was titled: “Local schools participate in Bible study after hours.”

E.K. Key also was featured in the Louisiana Baptist Message. That article begins, “Volunteers with an after-school outreach are finding Jesus saves in the halls of Sulphur’s E.K. Key Elementary School.”

The Louisiana Baptist Message article was titled: “Houston River ‘beach’ ministry is more than a kids’ club.”

That article likely prompted the American Press to expand the story for its local readers.

Suzanne Massey, the strategic growth director at KiDs Beach Club®, explained why being featured in the media is so important.

“It thrills my heart to see these Beach Clubs featured in the media,” she said. “When a community of families see first-hand the impact that activities like this can have on the hearts and minds of children today gives us all hope for the future. Because of the widespread areas these types of media reach, we have hope that others, too, will want to share Christ in the public school by Making Jesus Cool at School!”

If you are contacted by a media outlet to do a story about KiDs Beach Club® or see a story in your local media about our ministry, we encourage you let us know about the interview request by contacting our office at 817-510-5885. After the article has be published, please email it to us at




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