Jul 25 2:15 PM

...and Alabama Makes 11!

Jul 25 2:15 PM
Jul 25 2:15 PM

We are thrilled to share that the 2023-24 school year is going to see its first KiDs Beach Club® in the great state of Alabama!

Our new church partner El Bethel Baptist Church in Chancellor, AL has just received administration approval to host a club! KBC's Tina Kimbro shared that after presenting the KBC model, the principal said, "Why wouldn't we want to have a Beach Club®?"

We praise God for opening to us yet another state where we can make Jesus Cool at School™! Thank you, El Bethel Baptist Church for partnering with KBC!

With this new club, KBC now has a presence in each of the gulf-coast states: Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida!


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