Jun 25 10:08 AM

Annual Area Director Retreat

Jun 25 10:08 AM
Jun 25 10:08 AM

June 19-21, KiDs Beach Club® Area Directors from all over the US gathered together in Euless, Texas for three days of training and team building. The team reviewed new ministry programs, like Bibles for Beach Club, in order to effectively communicate with partnering church leaders about how God is at work through KBC. Guest trainer, Charles Lamb, provided useful steps and lots of encouragement in talking with pastors and helping new churches partner with KBC.

Team building fun included a trip to Texas U Can Paint, where an instructor led the Area Directors to paint sunset beach scenes including a lighthouse, representing Jesus' light that shines through their ministry in Beach Clubs. And many thanks to Board Member, Randy Williamson and his wife Amy, who hosted a fantastic cookout for all KBC Staff, Area Directors, and Executive Board members. It was a relaxing evening of fellowship and conversation.

This annual event is designed to re-charge and equip Area Directors to effectively be KBC's "feet on the ground" in their respective parts of the country.


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