Faithful Servant
Mike Ackerman has been involved with KiDs Beach Club® for several years. Mike has served as the worship leader at Shady Oaks Elementary School since Beach Club was introduced there seven years ago. Mike shares that he takes seriously his commitment to serve each week, but admits that sometimes when the kids get, well, lets say, a bit over-excited he finds himself asking, “Lord, why me?” He found himself asking that question on more than one occasion, but never really getting an answer. It certainly didn’t deter him from serving, but he really wondered “why?” sometimes.
Approximately four years into pondering that question Mike heard God’s response loud and clear. “He [God] said to me, ‘Kids need a positive male role model in their lives that will help lead them to Christ.’ I just sat there and said, wow!” Sometimes working with kiddos full of energy can be overwhelming. When we step back and see the big picture and remember the main reason why we do the things we do it makes even the challenging times worth it. Mike has said that he’s sure he does plenty of things in life that are probably a waste of time, but KiDs Beach Club® is not one of them.
A special Thank You goes out to Mike and all the volunteers who faithfully serve each week. You are welcoming kiddos into a safe place and showing them the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. You are making a difference!
Published on Mar 21 @ 4:12 PM CDT
Feeling Frazzled?
In our recent workshop led by Robin Dembicki of Dallas Bible Church, we learned that there is hope for ministering to high-need children.
Published on Mar 11 @ 10:58 AM CDT
Our God Provides
At the end of January, Jack Terrell, Founder and President of KiDs Beach Club®, was in Orlando, Florida meeting with a new church partner, First Baptist Orlando. He also visited area schools in preparation for the launch of Beach Clubs in the Orange County Public Schools.
As Jack visited with Dr. Eric Cantrell, Principal of Pineloch Elementary, he learned that their school was really struggling with resources, as do many schools in urban settings. Dr. Cantrell shared that his teachers spend a large portion of their own money to buy much needed supplies for their students. Along with leading children to Jesus, Jack has a strong desire to encourage teachers and school administrative staff.
Published on Feb 28 @ 11:20 AM CDT
Beach Club Leads to Community Group
The idea of reaching Beach Club families has been on my wife’s heart since we started doing a Beach Club at Stonegate Elementary in the Spring of 2004. We would often talk about the importance of connecting with these families but every time my wife, Michelle, would bring up the subject I always felt that we were too busy.
I had the privilege of speaking at a 6 Stones event at the school called “Night of Wonder” where I saw many of these Beach Club families hurting and in need of help. I told Michelle at that time I was on board with doing anything we could to help reach our neighbors.
Published on Feb 23 @ 9:18 AM CDT
Sweet Thanks
You might wonder if one hour once a week really matters. According to Jocelyn it does. Last week one of our Mississippi Area Directors received this sweet letter of thanks from a young clubber named Jocelyn.
Published on Feb 06 @ 10:20 AM CDT
Welcome to our new blog. Here we will post stories of all things Beach Club. We enjoy sharing with you what's going on and being able to spotlight clubbers, schools, churches, and volunteers across the country involved with KBC. There are so many amazing things happening.
Let's look for a moment at Westridge Elementary in Frankfort, Kentucky.
Published on Jan 24 @ 9:01 AM CDT