Nov 26 6:04 PM

Spotlight on Ministry

Nov 26 6:04 PM
Nov 26 6:04 PM



On November 7, 1981, KiDs Beach Club® founder and CEO Jack Terrell stood at the altar and promised to love, honor, and cherish his soon-to-be wife Tammy Wilson. Just a few weeks ago, the Terrell's celebrated their 42nd anniversary together. Since 1985, when Jack was called to full-time ministry, they have been serving together side by side. Today, Tammy is the Club Relations Director for KiDs Beach Club®. Happy (belated) anniversary Jack and Tammy! Thank you for answering the call to step out in faith and start KiDs Beach Club®! More than 116,000 Beach Club® kids are glad you did! 

Thank you for your faithful Kingdom service!

Oct 30 5:39 PM

It's Great Treasure Day Season!

Oct 30 5:39 PM
Oct 30 5:39 PM

Yes, it's Fall, ya'll, but another season is upon us: Great Treasure Day!

Every Beach Club® has one special day during the Club year called "Great Treasure Day." This is the day that every child in every Beach Club® receives their very own copy of God's Word. For some, this is the very first copy of God's Word in the whole household! To date, over 74,000 Bibles have been distributed, and that number continues to grow with every passing Great Treasure Day!

Thanks to all the volunteers who have sent in pictures or posted on social media! Make sure you tag your photos with @KiDsBeachClub when posting, and use the hashtags #GreatTreasureDay and #MyKBCBible! Be sure to follow us on Facebook to see all the smiles from recent Great Treasure Days!

Oct 30 5:33 PM

Professions of Faith Closing in on 10,000!

Oct 30 5:33 PM
Oct 30 5:33 PM

This fall alone, KiDs Beach Clubs® across the country have witnessed 136 precious children make Jesus their Forever Friend. Add those 136 to the previous professions of faith witnessed in Clubs since the birth of KiDs Beach Club®, and the total is astounding: 9,848 precious children who have been added to the Kingdom!

This number continues to grow each week, and we are praying that God will allow us to see the 10,000th child make a decision for Him before the end of the year!

What do 10,000 kids look like? Well, here's a good visual to help you get your mind wrapped around the impact that YOU, our volunteers and partners are making for the Kingdom:

The average pumpkin size is about 7" in height. If we stacked 10,000 pumpkins, they would reach an astounding 5,833 feet into the air! (That's more than twice as high as the Empire State Building!)

Friends - this is something only God can do! Please pray with us for this upcoming milestone, and be sure to watch our home page to see our Impact numbers continue to grow!

Oct 30 5:28 PM


Oct 30 5:28 PM
Oct 30 5:28 PM

Giving Tuesday is celebrated the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the USA, and it is a day designated to give-back. It also marks our annual end-of-year fundraising campaign kick-off. This year, our theme is PRESS ON, and you'll be hearing more about it in the coming weeks.

Our prayer today is that you will not only be encouraged by what God is doing, but we ask that you join us in PRESSING ON. As Giving Tuesday (November 28th) approaches, please prayerfully consider an end-of-the-year gift and ask Father how He wants you to join KiDs Beach Club® in giving EVERY preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience!


Oct 30 4:29 PM


Oct 30 4:29 PM
Oct 30 4:29 PM
  • Do you love KiDs Beach Club®?
  • Do you have strong customer service, Microsoft Office, and CRM skills?
  • Do you have a commitment to excellence?
  • Would you like to use your talents every day to make a difference for the Lord?


KiDs Beach Club® has a full-time, work-from-home, paid staff position available for a Serve Team Specialist. In this role, you will help guide churches and volunteers as they conduct Beach Clubs® or utilize licensed versions of the KiDs Beach Club® curriculum. You'll help onboard new Clubs, train volunteers, answer program questions, troubleshoot Club and school issues that might arise, and provide all-around great customer care for our partnering churches and organizations. Although this is work-from-home, you must be a Texas resident. Just click the button below for more information!




Sep 25 12:22 PM

North Texas Giving Day GOAL UPDATE

Sep 25 12:22 PM
Sep 25 12:22 PM

Last Thursday, September 21st, was North Texas Giving Day. THANK YOU to all who have given, shared our social media posts, and helped us during this season of giving. Because of YOU, we are able to continueCultivating Character in homes, at school, after-school, on TV, through satellites around the world, over the radio airwaves, online, and on the go! (Basically, EVERYWHERE!)

Our goal was $30,000, and at the time of this publication, God has brought in $26,551. (That's 89% of our God-sized goal!) Giving is still open through the end of the month, and we ask that you prayerfully consider helping us hit 100%! We are so close!

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