Jun 10 3:04 PM

The First Bible In This Home Comes Through KBC

Jun 10 3:04 PM
Jun 10 3:04 PM

One of the many fun elements of Beach Club every week is earning those tickets for the right to head to the KBC Treasure Chest, which is filled with candy and toys.

Back in the fall of 2014, Trisha was able to collect tickets for saying her memory verse and wearing her KBC t-shirt but she never got one for bringing her Bible to Beach Club.  Week after week, she watched her friends bring their Bibles and get ticketsbut she couldn’t because Trisha didn’t have a Bible to bring. In fact, there wasn’t even one in her house.  Not one person in her house owned a Bible.

This was just a few months before Great Treasure Day where every child in every Beach Club now receives their very own copy of the KBC Explorer’s Study Bible.  Trisha’s Surf Team Leader requested she be the recipient of the next Bible given to a child, and she was.  Excitedly she held her first Bible up to pose for a picture.

Trisha started reading her new KBC Bible and brought it with her to Beach Club the rest of the year to follow along during Bible Connection time.  She listened to the stories, participated in the discussion and started asking her Surf Team Leader many questions. 

Near the end of the school year, Trisha came forward for counseling saying that she wanted to ask Jesus to be her Forever Friend saying, “I’ve never heard any of this before.  It has all been new to me. You see my mom works hard at two jobs, and she just hasn’t had time to tell me about Jesus.” 

Hebrews 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”  When Trisha started to read the Bible she received in Beach Club, it became powerful in her life and led her to a new hope in Christ.  Her home now has the living, powerful Word of God and thanks to the generosity of our faithful monthly supporters of Bibles for Beach Club, many other homes now have their very first copy of God’s Word.

You are making a difference for the Kingdom!

May 18 3:10 PM

Beach Clubber Takes Action and Encourages Veteran

May 18 3:10 PM
May 18 3:10 PM

As Memorial Day approaches and we prepare to set aside a special time to remember those who have given their lives for our freedom, we wanted to take a moment and share a beautiful story with you about a Beach Club boy and a wounded warrior.

Justin, a 4th grade Beach Clubber from Euless, Texas, lost his dad in 2009 to ALS and last summer he received a $2,000 inheritance from his father. To Justin this amount of money might as well have been a million dollars and he felt like he had to share it with someone in need.

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Apr 15 11:18 AM

Two Boys Trust Christ Using New KBC Bible

Apr 15 11:18 AM
Apr 15 11:18 AM

Johnny and Dontae are two boys in Beach Club who recently shared how they put their trust in Jesus Christ as their savior after exploring their new KiDs Beach Club® Bible.

A few weeks ago Johnny approached his club leader with his Bible in hand and open to the plan of salvation page.  He pointed to the page and began to tell his leader that he had prayed the prayer of salvation and showed where he had filled in his name and the date.  Then he pointed to the last line that says “Who Did I Talk With” and said he needed to get that part done. While talking with his leader Johnny explained that he was sitting in his room reading his new Bible and found this page.  After talking a bit more and making sure he didn’t have any other questions, his leader gladly signed his page and prayed a prayer of thanks to God for the free gift of salvation. Johnny is a third grader in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.

Not too long after hearing about Johnny, we got a special letter in the mail at our KiDs Beach Club main office in Euless, Texas.  It was from Dontae, a fifth grader in the west Texas area.  Here is what he wrote:

Dear Beach Club,
Today I made Jesus my Lord, Saviour, and Friend. Almost as soon as I finished the prayer on the page before page 627 I felt something bad leave me and something good come in me. I knew it was God instantly.
Sincerely, Dontae

If you are a KBC volunteer, financial supporter, prayer warrior, or a combination of any of those, know that your efforts don't go unnoticed and you are making a difference for the Kingdom!

Mar 31 7:33 AM

What Do 10,000 Bibles Look Like?

Mar 31 7:33 AM
Mar 31 7:33 AM

What do 10,000 Bibles look like?
Great Treasure Day is the day in Beach Club when kids receive a KiDs Beach Club® Explorer's Study Bible. Thanks to generous donors, more than 10,000 copies of God's Word have been handed out. Watch the video and see what 10,000 Bibles look like.   
Mar 30 11:04 AM

Only 2 Weeks Left

Mar 30 11:04 AM
Mar 30 11:04 AM

Only 2 Weeks Left: Enter to Win a 50" HDTV
This online fundraiser supports the growing ministry of KiDs Beach Club®. There will also be a drawing for Beach Club students to win a Nintendo 3DS XL. Plus, there is a special prize for the top selling Beach Club. Visit our raffle webpage for complete details and enter to win today.

Mar 24 8:05 AM

KBC Bolsters Local AWANA Program

Mar 24 8:05 AM
Mar 24 8:05 AM

The adjectives describing Great Treasure Day at the Beach Clubs all around America sound strikingly familiar; awesome, incredible, amazing!  Those words are just a reflection of the joy that nearly 2,200 KiDs Beach Club® volunteers experienced when they handed out a copy of God’s Word to every child in every one of the 146 Beach Clubs.  “It’s just an amazing privilege to give every one of these students their very own Bible,” said Paul McKinney, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church in Eustace, Texas. 

As McKinney and 30 volunteers handed Bibles to each of the 112 children, numerous parents worked their way to the front to snap photos before a large applauding crowd that included the Assistant Superintendent, five school board members, principals from all four of the district’s campuses as well as several teachers from each of the schools.  “In our core values KiDs Beach Club® seeks to make Christ relevant by Impacting Communities for the Kingdom,” said Jack Terrell, President and Founder of KiDs Beach Club®  “The amazing out pouring of Eustace city officials as well as district personnel at the Eustace Great Treasure Day validates our ability to bridge the void between church and community. Everyone who attended that day was “impacted” by Christ. The overwhelming affirmation of the day reveals the underlining tenant that KBC needs to be there.”

McKinney’s church is in its first year of sponsoring the Beach Club at Eustace Intermediate School and he is elated with how the kids in his club have not only started to recognize the power of God’s Word in their own lives but are now ...

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