Dec 20 2:40 PM


Dec 20 2:40 PM
Dec 20 2:40 PM

"One generation will tell Your works to another." Psalm 145:4

Third grader Nevaeh has been active in Beach Club® for about a year. During this time, shehas learned the importance of being in a local church and exercising the character words taught in Club. Nevaeh has been asking a lot of questions, and one important thing on her heart is to make sure her mom, big sister, and little sister attend church each week!

Nevaeh goes to Caprock Elementary School in Ft. Worth, Texas, which "happens" to be the same location where the sponsoring church (Cross City North) meets weekly. After Nevaeh's tireless begging, her mom Emili finally gave in and followed through, taking the whole family to church. Emili came a few times, hearing the Gospel message each time; then she made the decision that would change the trajectory of her life forever: she asked Jesus to come into her life and save her! In reflecting on her decision, Emili shared with the decision counselor and then Pastor Kent, "I was tired of being lost."

Since then, Emili has been bringing her girls to church each week. She's been actively participating in a Bible Study, and next month, she will be getting baptized. Understanding that her mom had made that all-important decision to make Jesus her Forever Friend, Nevaeh recently told a Club leader, "I saved my mom." Of course, the Club leader took the opportunity to biblically talk through the terminology Nevaeh used, making sure she understood that Jesus is the One and only One who can save people.

Emili has said numerous times, "God used Nevaeh to bring me to Him!" Please pray right now for Nevaeh, that God will continue working on her little heart. Pray also for Emili's older daughter Lucy (and eventually two-year-old Faith) to follow the example of their mom and choose to make Jesus their Forever Friend.

Friends, church partners, this is what happens when God moves into a school! Celebrate with us, and continue praying for more churches to partner with us, more schools to open, and more lives to be forever changed by the One Forever Friend!


Nov 26 9:55 PM

Meet Yasaman...

Nov 26 9:55 PM
Nov 26 9:55 PM

KiDs Beach Club® TV Farsi Voice Actor Makes Jesus Her Forever Friend!

On the other side of the ocean, somewhere in the Middle East, the KiDs Beach Club® Television show is currently being dubbed into Farsi, the language of Iran. When complete, the show will be broadcast daily into 6 million homes throughout Iran, thanks to our partnership with Iran Alive Ministries.

Each episode of the show was written with a clear Gospel message. Just as Romans 1:16 says, the GOSPEL is the POWER of God for salvation, and our ministry partner Iran Alive has recently shared an EPIC STORY with us that should have us all jumping up and down like children on a trampoline!

Yasaman, a 15-year-old Farsi-English speaking girl who voices the character of Danni has chosen to make Jesus her Forever Friend! For about a year, Yasaman had sensed a drawing to learn more about Christ, but because of safety issues and persecution, she couldn’t find a way to learn…until she was hired by Iran Alive to do the dubbing for KiDs Beach Club® Television!

In God’s complete sovereignty, He led KiDs Beach Club® to not only form a partnership with Iran Alive Ministries but to move forward in the dubbing process, despite neither entity having the funding to accomplish the project. Because we PRESSED ON, Yasaman has responded to the saving grace of Jesus Christ!

Please pray with us for God to continue providing the needed funds to complete the project of dubbing all 55 episodes into Farsi. Pray with us for the many Iranian preteens and families who will be exposed to the POWER of the GOSPEL from the show.

Sometimes it’s easy to let obstacles stand in the way of what God wants you to do. But we know God has called us to give every preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience. That includes Yasaman, and every preteen God allows us to reach! Galatians 6:9 “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time, we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” 

Be sure to watch Yasaman's story, told in her own words! Just click the pulsing button below!

AND commit to pray for Yasaman as she begins this new journey in the family of God!

Nov 26 8:56 PM

Giving Tuesday

Nov 26 8:56 PM
Nov 26 8:56 PM


Giving Tuesday is Right around the Corner...

Giving Tuesday is celebrated the Tuesday after Thanksgiving in the USA, and it is a day designated to give-back. It also marks our annual end-of-year fundraising campaign kick-off. This year, our theme is PRESS ON.

Our prayer today is that you will not only be encouraged by what God is doing, but we ask that you join us in PRESSING ON. Please prayerfully consider an end-of-the-year gift and ask Father how He wants you to join KiDs Beach Club® in giving EVERY preteen boy and girl a Jesus experience!


Nov 26 7:50 PM

More Accolades!

Nov 26 7:50 PM
Nov 26 7:50 PM

KiDs Beach Club® Television continues to receive accolades!

Recently, KiDs Beach Club® Television was honored with "Best Television Children's Program" award from CONTENT FILM FESTIVAL and NEWS MEDIA SUMMIT. Dr. Frank Banfill, KiDs Beach Club® Executive Vice President was on site to accept the award.

While we are thrilled with winning yet another award, we are more excited to know that with every nomination and every "win," more people are being exposed to the ministry of KiDs Beach Club®!

Nov 26 6:04 PM

Spotlight on Ministry

Nov 26 6:04 PM
Nov 26 6:04 PM



On November 7, 1981, KiDs Beach Club® founder and CEO Jack Terrell stood at the altar and promised to love, honor, and cherish his soon-to-be wife Tammy Wilson. Just a few weeks ago, the Terrell's celebrated their 42nd anniversary together. Since 1985, when Jack was called to full-time ministry, they have been serving together side by side. Today, Tammy is the Club Relations Director for KiDs Beach Club®. Happy (belated) anniversary Jack and Tammy! Thank you for answering the call to step out in faith and start KiDs Beach Club®! More than 116,000 Beach Club® kids are glad you did! 

Thank you for your faithful Kingdom service!

Oct 30 5:39 PM

It's Great Treasure Day Season!

Oct 30 5:39 PM
Oct 30 5:39 PM

Yes, it's Fall, ya'll, but another season is upon us: Great Treasure Day!

Every Beach Club® has one special day during the Club year called "Great Treasure Day." This is the day that every child in every Beach Club® receives their very own copy of God's Word. For some, this is the very first copy of God's Word in the whole household! To date, over 74,000 Bibles have been distributed, and that number continues to grow with every passing Great Treasure Day!

Thanks to all the volunteers who have sent in pictures or posted on social media! Make sure you tag your photos with @KiDsBeachClub when posting, and use the hashtags #GreatTreasureDay and #MyKBCBible! Be sure to follow us on Facebook to see all the smiles from recent Great Treasure Days!

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