Dec 19 2:44 PM

A Child Models Generosity

Dec 19 2:44 PM
Dec 19 2:44 PM

Many Beach Clubs reward kids for good behavior or accomplishing certain tasks in their clubs with trips to a treasure chest that is usually stocked with candy or inexpensive toys. Some clubs, like the one at Bukhair Elementary School in Richardson, Texas, use a ticket system explains surf team leader Kevin Perry.

“We have little tickets for each child and we sign our initials on them when they show up to Beach Club, when they recite their scripture verse, when they bring back their Hang 10 page or when they bring their Bible,” he said. “When they fill these tickets up – it usually takes them three to four weeks to fill up one ticket with 15 signatures – they can go to the treasure chest and turn them in for a small prize.

“If you lose your KBC Study Bible, you have to turn in two of these tickets to get a new one.”

That’s what a fourth-grade boy named Delmer decided to do recently, but for a very unique reason. Perry asked him what happened to his Bible.

“I still have it,” Delmer said. “But I want to get one for my younger brothers to share and then they won’t keep tearing up my Bible.”

Perry says Delmer has a lot of energy and is a good kid, who knows the answers and participates in memorizing the scriptures. He sings and actively participates in worship and looks forward to the Bible lesson, his favorite part of Beach Club.

“He’s very attentive,” Perry said. “He’s wound up and you might think he’s not paying attention, but he absolutely is paying attention.”

Perry has seen other kids replace their lost Bible, but he had never seen a child turn in their tickets to give a Bible to anyone else. Perhaps guided by the lesson that day – about generosity, no less – Delmer wanted to give a Bible to his brothers.

“They just started learning about the Bible and I thought it would be good for them to have a Bible of their own,” Delmer explained about his act of generosity. “I read the Bible to them.”

The Bible lesson that day was from Luke 21:1-4 about the poor widow who gave all she had.

“And He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, “Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.”

There was no coincidence that on that same day the Bible connection leader shared this story that Delmer filled up his second ticket.

“The spirit of generosity he shows is amazing,” Perry said. “He wasn’t prompted to do that; he came up with it all on his own. Quite frankly, it surprised me, but I was pleasantly surprised.”

Perry suggested there is a lesson in this story for adults.

“The lesson in it – for us adults – goes back to being a child and having a generous spirit by thinking of others first,” Perry said. “Sometimes we forget that as we grow up. We get so focused on ourselves and our mission in life that we forget to be generous to others and I think that’s something we can all learn from Delmer.

As we approach the end of the year and in this season of giving, we ask you to prayerfully consider making a gift to KiDs Beach Club®. Your contributions and support help us reach kids like Delmer with the Good News. Teaching character through the lens of scripture is a primary focus of our curriculum.
Together, we're connecting kids to Christ and putting Bibles in their hands, all the while making Jesus cool at school!

EDIT: We would like to thank you for your generous support of KiDs Beach Club during the charitable giving season at the end of 2018. Because of your faithfulness to us, we were able to exceed our goal of $100,000, which has provided us a springboard into 2019. Thank You!



Dec 11 2:14 PM

KBC Bibles are the Perfect Christmas Gift!

Dec 11 2:14 PM
Dec 11 2:14 PM

We shared this story on our blog about three years ago, but wanted to share it again because we think the KBC Study Bibles is the perfect Christmas gift!

Christmas is just around the corner. Do you need a gift idea for the person or group of people, like your coworkers, who you just don’t know what to buy? 

The legal assistants at Dawson & Sodd LLP, a law firm with offices in Dallas and Corsicana, came up with a great idea for their attorneys last Christmas.

“Last December, it came time to buy the attorneys Christmas gifts and they’re always hard to buy for,” Tanya Norris, a paralegal at the firm, told KiDs Beach Club® in an interview last winter. “We talked about donating money or our time to a charity that each one cares about. We were all trying to come up with ideas of which charity to donate to.

“It was funny because not more than 5-10 minutes after having that discussion with all the girls, I received an email from Beach Club. It was a few days before Giving Tuesday when I got that email so I just felt like that was God’s way of telling me that is what He would have us do. So we did that.”

In Tanya’s 18 years with the firm, she has seen how God has blessed the people there, saying that everyone has a story on how God has made an impact in their lives.

“There are a lot of organizations that are dear to everyone there and they all start with God and His blessings,” said Norris, whose son Cameron attended the Beach Club at Malakoff Elementary the last two years. “We decided the best way to repay that was to share the news of Him.”

Norris gave each one of the attorneys a letter at their annual Christmas party that pointed out how everyone at the firm had been blessed.

“We gave them my letter with the information from Beach Club,” Norris said. “No one really read it that night at the party. It was really in the days after when they gave us a thank you card or told us how much that meant and there wasn’t really a better gift that could have been given.

“Some of (the attorneys) said that was the best gift they ever received. We were just so glad to do that for them and they were so glad that we did.”

Cameron received one of the 24 weekly Bibles each club passed out before the organization started Great Treasure Day this past spring in response to the generous support of donors at the 2014 Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinner and Auction.

The gift the legal assistants gave to their attorneys last Christmas went directly toward providing Bibles for every child at Malakoff Elementary when they held Great Treasure Day last February.

Cameron had already brought home his Bible last fall. It had been just a few weeks before the letter arrived from Beach Club encouraging donations for the Bibles for Beach Club program so that every child in every Beach Club can receive their own copy of God’s Word.

“I think it’s wonderful. Many kids would never have a Bible otherwise,” Norris said. “There are so many kids, there are so many families that need to have Jesus.

“It’s impossible to get into every home and share the Word with everyone who needs it, but it’s easy to donate some money, even enough money for one Bible or whatever you can donate. That Bible gets into that home and that child may pick it up and mom may pick it up or dad may pick it up, and it can change the entire families. You can just change their lives.” 

If you’re interested in giving KiDs Beach Club® Explorer’s Study Bibles this Christmas season, you can do that by clicking here. If you want to buy a Bible for a child in your life who does not attend Beach Club, you can do that in the Surf Shop.

Nov 15 10:59 AM

Leader Board Recognizes Kids who Model Good Character

Nov 15 10:59 AM
Nov 15 10:59 AM

Character education is an important element of KiDs Beach Club®. It’s one of the main factors why elementary school teachers, principals and superintendents love having Beach Club in their schools.

For each of the 24 weeks of Beach Club throughout the school year, KBC volunteers teach from a curriculum designed around a different character word that is taught through the lens of scripture.

Within the hour-long, after-school Bible clubs, that word is defined from a story in the Bible and paired with a Bible verse to further illustrate the character word. KBC volunteers emphasize the character trait during small group time as well as during the review game. By the time a child leaves Beach Club, they will have learned about that week’s character word at least six different ways.

The Beach Club at Janie Stark Elementary in Farmer’s Branch, Texas, reinforces character education a very unique way. Schalee Sanchez, the club leader at the first-year club sponsored by The Branch Church, was looking for a way to not only teach about character, but to have the kids put it into practice.

“One of the hardest things, as I was thinking as a leader, how are we going to encourage good behavior?” Sanchez asked herself. “What can I do to help the kids understand the value of not just learning about these character traits, but actually putting them in practice and doing the things that we’re learning?

Before Beach Club started in September, she was watching a surfing movie where each surfer’s score from the competition was put up on a leader board for spectators to see.

She thought, “Hey, we could do that.”

Each week during Beach Club, they have a segment when the entire group leaves their tables and come together to worship God and learn that week’s Bible story. Before that gets started, they recognize children who are displaying and practicing the character traits they are learning in Beach Club.

They put names up on a “leader board” and hand out small trinkets to those who are recognized. During the week of Great Treasure Day in October, five kids were recognized and were given lanyards with the words “I love Jesus” they could attach their KBC nametags to.

Those kids were singled out for living out patience/self-control, generosity, respect, helpfulness and courage. Sanchez mentioned how they each had displayed a trait while at Beach Club.

Just as educators embrace the emphasis on character education Beach Club provides, so, too, do our club leaders and volunteers.

“If we don’t teach these kinds of character traits, they’ll grow up to be adults who don’t know about being kind and haven’t practiced it,” Sanchez says. “All of these things have to be practiced. If a child goes through their entire life without having seen examples of these things shown to them and being given opportunities to practice them, then they’re going to become an adult who is not orderly, who is not respectful and who is not kind.”

Sanchez mentioned kindness, orderliness and respect as character words that are being taught and practiced in her Beach Club. They’re among the KBC list that also includes compassion, confidence, contentment, courage, dependability, determination, forgiveness, friendliness, generosity, honesty, humility, love, obedience, patience, responsibility, self-control and thankfulness.

Sanchez offers a different perspective about why teaching biblical character is important. She moved back to the United States about four years ago after serving with her husband and children as missionaries in Colombia. At that time, they were contemplating and praying about where their kids should go to school or if they were going to homeschool them.

“My heart was extremely burdened after seeing all of the things that happen in our public schools now,” she said. “As I began praying about that more and more, I really felt like God was saying, ‘I want to teach you to fight back, but in the right way.’ I really believe that KiDs Beach Club® is doing that. That KiDs Beach Club® is a way; that in a spiritual realm, the armies of God are being able to fight against the darkness and being able to shine His light in places that are dark.”

“We really felt called that God opened a door for our kids to come to school here and that His mission in that was for us to be a light.”

Our commitment to teach Christ-like character in Beach Club is the focus of our year-end fundraising campaign. Your financial support is crucial to our mission and vision and we could not do it without you. As you pray about which ministries fit your giving strategy as we close out 2018, we request that you ask the Lord if KiDs Beach Club® is one of those.

The year-end charitable giving season officially begins with Giving Tuesday – the global day of giving – the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. This year, that date is November 27. To lend your financial support to our ministry, you can give any time at



Nov 15 10:54 AM

KBC Helping Create Sense of Community at Top-Rated School

Nov 15 10:54 AM
Nov 15 10:54 AM

KiDs Beach Club® enjoys telling great stories about what is happening in Beach Clubs across the country and we are thrilled to be able to recognize a school that we have been a part of for 12 years. Carroll Elementary in Southlake, Texas was recently ranked the No. 1 Best Public Elementary School in the state of Texas by, a company out of Pittsburgh, Pa. that annually analyzes public data to form its rankings.

“It’s certainly a great honor and quite a surprise, but a happy surprise,” Stacy Wagnon, the school’s long-time principal said. “What it tells me is that our staff, students and parents are all hard workers. We’re going to do whatever it takes to stay No. 1.”

The data team at combines national algorithms and statistical categories to compare, score and connect millions of data points that analyze U.S. schools and neighborhoods. Test results indicated that 97 percent of students at Carroll Elementary are proficient in both reading and math, but Wagnon believes her school has a tremendous sense of togetherness and community and credits having a Beach Club there as a major reason for that.

“Right now, I think we’re at an all-time high with 150-plus students that are attending,” she said. “Beach Club gives them an opportunity to connect with others outside school hours and I know that friendships have been birthed, not just with our students, but our parents as well. It just shows them another group of people who can love and teach them and who can be in their corner.”

Another reason Wagnon says she loves having Beach Club on here top-rated campus is for the character education that they get in each and every lesson throughout the school year and how it supplements the character education program they teach during school hours.

“I think what’s really cool is that I see it transferred into their daily lives,” she said. “We’re seeing a decrease in bullying and some of our discipline opportunities that we’ve had in the past. I think that’s definitely transferred into their daily school day.”

Seeing that type of behavioral change makes Carroll co-club leader Ashley Nadeau’s heart, proud.

“Absolutely, that’s the most important thing,” Nadeau said. “We are witnesses to Jesus no matter where we go, so we absolutely expect the kids to take what they learn out into the real world whether it is at school or at home. We definitely talk about it all the time – that we want to be the hands and feet of Jesus – and if the kids are doing that, it couldn’t get any better.”

Teaching kids to be the light in a dark world, using the character of Christ as the standard, is exactly why Angelique Schlosser loves being part of this after-school Bible club.

“I think that there’s a stigma about teaching the Bible in a public school, even though it’s after-school, and I’m not really sure why, but in this school, there’s absolutely no stigma,” Schlosser said. “It’s very warmly received we have over 150 children and this isn’t a very big school, so about a quarter of the kids in the entire school come to Beach Club.”

Schlosser has a small group of boys that she leads in Surf Team time each week.

“I think it’s extremely gratifying to be a surf team leader because you get to lead an active role in these children’s lives and you’re introducing the word of God into their lives,” she continued. “You’re providing a safe environment, a community for these children and they can open up to you about things they might not otherwise feel comfortable doing. That gives you the chance to pray over them; you can help protect them and you’re guarding their sweet hearts and I think that that’s really important for them socially and emotionally. The word of God just loves you and protects you here.”

A fact not lost on the school’s principal.

“I’m thankful for 121 Community Church which sponsors us,” Wagnon said. “I’m thankful for our parents, our volunteers and our staff who are all here to love on our kids.”


Nov 15 10:29 AM

KBC Study Bibles Make the Perfect Gift

Nov 15 10:29 AM
Nov 15 10:29 AM

How much thought have you put into your Christmas shopping this year? May we suggest a KiDs Beach Club® Explorer’s Study Bible for your children, grand-children, nieces and/or nephews that don’t have a Beach Club to attend?

The kids in Beach Club love reading the KBC Study Bible because it features many fun illustrations and study applications that make it fun reading for pre-teens and teenagers. The KBC Study Bible also features colorful tip-in pages that feature topics such as how to read the Bible, how spend time with God, the 10 Commandments, different heroes of the Bible and where to read their stories. It also features the complete gospel presentation for those children who haven’t yet chosen to make Jesus their Forever Friend, Lord and Savior.

Giving the KBC Explorer’s Study Bible reminds us of a story in December of 2014 when a group of legal assistants chose to show honor the attorneys in their office by making a donation on their behalf to provide children in public elementary schools with their very own KBC Study Bibles. Some of the attorneys said it was the best gift they had ever received.

Share the blessing of God’s word this Christmas and purchase the KBC Explorer’s Study Bible on our website in the Surf Shop or if you prefer to make a donation to KiDs Beach Club® to help place Bibles in the hands of children next spring, you can give here.



Nov 15 9:59 AM

A Free Gift!

Nov 15 9:59 AM
Nov 15 9:59 AM

You’ve heard us talk about how easy it is to support KiDs Beach Club® through AmazonSmile and several of you have signed up this year.

In fact, in 2018, Amazon has already sent us checks from your purchases totaling $471.14 which amounts to nearly two cases of Bibles that go to children in public elementary schools.

“What a treat it is to receive a check from Amazon and the joy it brings to know that folks are thinking of KBC when they make their purchases,” KBC Finance Director Angie Hughes said. “The beauty of this program is that when our donors shop Amazon for items they regularly purchase, they don’t have to pay even a penny more to contribute to the meaningful work of KiDs Beach Club®.”

When you use AmazonSmile to make your purchase, Amazon automatically donates 0.5 percent of your purchase to KiDs Beach Club® at no additional cost to you. The company says that 10 of millions of products on their site are eligible for AmazonSmile donations without any higher prices being passed on to the consumer.

If you haven’t had a chance to sign up yet, it only takes a minute. You can start by logging onto and login with your regular Amazon account.

Then select KiDs Beach Club® as your charity and start shopping. It’s as easy as that. The hardest part is remembering to do your shopping on instead of the regular website, but that’s what bookmarks are for!

So, when you’re doing your Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas shopping this year, please shop AmazonSmile and support KiDs Beach Club®!



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