Jul 26 5:15 PM

Multiplying the Impact of KBC with ENVISION2k25

Jul 26 5:15 PM
Jul 26 5:15 PM

The burden on the heart of KiDs Beach Club® Founder and President Jack Terrell is to give every child in America a chance to hear about Jesus Christ.

What child doesn’t deserve to hear a clear gospel presentation?” Terrell often asks. Since 2003, more than 97,000 children have been impacted by the life changing message of Jesus Christ during a Beach Club in their public school but there are millions more to reach.

KiDs Beach Club® believes God is calling us to maximize our resources to make the biggest impact we possibly can in this generation. We believe that God has given us a proven model of reaching communities through public schools and that now is the time to multiply that model in ways that we’ve not thought possible before.

We believe that God is calling us to tenfold growth during the next five years and we have prayerfully sought His guidance for this five-year strategic plan called ENVISION2k25. This will allow KiDs Beach Club® to move from an addition ministry that adds a couple dozen Beach Clubs each year to a multiplication ministry that adds hundreds of new Beach Clubs annually and impacts 100,000 students and 2,000 communities through 25,000 volunteers on a weekly basis by January 2025.

ENVISION2k25 is a bold step for our organization,” Frank Banfill, KBC’s executive vice president for strategy and organization growth, said. “It really focuses us on growing through multiplication, which is greatly needed if we are going to take advantage of the incredible opportunities we have right now in public schools. I’m asking all KBC friends, volunteers and partnering churches to join with us in prayer for this endeavor.”

As a way to accomplish our goals, we will launch four new programs and one new project:

  • Elite Volunteer Program
    Volunteers who will help administrate the field ministry

  • Church-to-Church Mentoring Program
    Veteran KBC church partners help new KBC partnering churches launch and grow their clubs

  • Internal Leadership Development Program
    Systematic training and development of KBC leaders and managers

  • Point of Entry Donor Development Program
    Systematic approach to introduce KiDs Beach Club® to potential donors

  • Reorganized Training Project
    Revamping how KiDs Beach Club® trains clubs and volunteers in order to accommodate club growth

To look at all the details of this exciting and aggressive growth plan, please visit the ENVISION2k25 page on the KBC website by clicking here.

While much of the program appears to position KiDs Beach Club® for expansion, the focus remains on reaching students and their families with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Great Commission tells us to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things Christ commanded us to do.

There needs to be urgency in sharing the gospel, so that kids and their families hear it before Christ returns. More than 60 percent of students who enroll in Beach Club do not regularly attend church, so we’re letting our culture teach them what is right and what is wrong.

Our public schools are dark places that need the Light. Your church can shine the light – the Light of Christ – in the darkness of our schools and our communities.

In John 12:46 (NASB), Jesus said, “I have come as Light into the world, so that everyone who believes in Me will not remain in darkness.”

Many of our communities are like harbors in the night; harbors full of rocks, fog and darkness. They are dangerous. Jesus is like a lighthouse providing all a light to focus on to help navigate dangerous waters. It’s time to light up our communities and force darkness out.



Jul 26 2:50 PM

KBC Fall Trainings Feature Several Updates

Jul 26 2:50 PM
Jul 26 2:50 PM

Summer is rapidly coming to a close and the folks in the KBC corporate office are putting the finishing touches on volunteer training for the 2019-20 school year.

Three types of trainings will be offered to our church partners this year:

K – the K training is our Train Up A Child Conference on Feb. 1, 2020. (click for details)

B – the B training is our Basic Training available to all new clubs starting in 2019-20.

C – the C training is our Customizable training for all existing clubs and volunteers

Our KiDs Beach Club® field team representatives will be in touch with club leaders and church coordinators soon on dates and locations of trainings in your area.

Also coming soon is an all-new training for record keepers live via Zoom video conference as well as a club leader training held at the KBC corporate office. Club Relations Director Tammy Terrell will be reaching out to all club leaders with information on these specialized trainings.

As an added reminder, make sure to take advantage of the KBC Video Training Portal which features every part of Beach Club on video! The 25 training videos were watched more than 1,100 times last year. It’s easy to access:

  • Click the orange “Login” box at bottom of any page on the KBC website
  • Click Online Video Training Portal button
  • Enter Password: kbcvideo

In addition, KiDs Beach Club® is trying to minimize the cost of a church to print out club flyers and permission forms and is offering a print portal to order deeply discounted copies thanks to the resource ministry at First Baptist Church Arlington. Simply visit http://www.fbcaprintshop.com/kbc and use the password: beachclub. Additional instructions will follow after logging in.



Jul 26 1:05 PM

Train Up A Child Winter Conference is February 1, 2020

Jul 26 1:05 PM
Jul 26 1:05 PM

Make sure to circle February 1, 2020 as the day for the second annual KBC Train Up A Child Winter Conference. The conference will originate live from 121 Community Church in Grapevine, Texas, but all of our Beach Club volunteers in 11 states will be able to participate by viewing a live video feed from numerous watch locations.

“As the Lord continues to open doors for KiDs Beach Club® to expand throughout the United States, we are excited that we can provide our volunteers a convenient way to take in this important training event,” said Jack Terrell, the founder and president of KiDs Beach Club®.

While the program for the 2020 event is still being assembled, based on the survey results from the 2019 conference, plans are in the works to feature dynamic speakers to encourage our volunteer base with interesting and relevant topics to assist in their Beach Club ministry.

You can watch the entire Train Up A Child Winter Conference from this past January on our website at kidsbeachclub.org/conference.

Thank you for partnering with KiDs Beach Club® to make Jesus cool at school!



Jul 26 11:22 AM

North Texas Giving Day is September 19

Jul 26 11:22 AM
Jul 26 11:22 AM

Save the Date! North Texas Giving Day is Thursday, Sept. 19, but you don’t have to wait until that day to make your donation. This year, there will be 10 days of giving when you can schedule your donation to benefit KiDs Beach Club® and other North Texas non-profit organizations you already support. Scheduled giving begins Sept. 9.

You can support us anytime by visiting the KBC website, but we want to encourage you to lend your financial support on the North Texas Giving Day website and for good reason! They match a portion of your donations, give bonus funds and prizes! Your dollar will be stretched when you give through this site.

When you donate to KiDs Beach Club®, your money goes further than you could ever imagine! You’re not just contributing to an after-school Bible club, but to a child’s eternal future and providing a means for them to learn the word of God and how it applies to their everyday life. You’re also helping our partnering churches share the gospel and make an impact for God’s kingdom.

If you would like to be a matching donor this year, please contact us! Matching donors have a huge impact on North Texas Giving Day. Matching donors show that the cause is so meaningful that a generous person, such as yourself, would not only give a small donation, but match the amount others give. Matching donors encourage more people to give because they know their gift will go even further!

Be sure to follow us on our social media accounts (@KiDsBeachClub) on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so you won’t miss out on any of the excitement. You definitely don’t want to miss out on when and where these special events will happen!

We are so excited to see how God provides through North Texas Giving Day and can’t wait to have you all join in on the fun!



Jul 26 10:16 AM

Proceeds from Estate Sale Benefit KBC

Jul 26 10:16 AM
Jul 26 10:16 AM

For more than a decade, KiDs Beach Club® has held a special place in the heart of Lisa Rowlette. “Bringing Jesus into schools and putting Bibles into every child’s hand and heart is the epitome of the Great Commission,” Rowlette said.

With the Great Commission being a special calling from Jesus to every believer, Rowlette found a creative way to carry that out in her own life by holding an estate sale and donating the proceeds to KiDs Beach Club® so that hundreds of children can get Bibles and hear a clear presentation of the gospel each week in their public school.

“Preparing for an estate sale after my husband’s death was a sad but necessary task, but the idea to donate all the proceeds to KBC brought some joy into an otherwise difficult situation,” Rowlette said. “That kitchen table that contained happy memories but wouldn’t fit into my new home? Its sale put Bibles into almost a dozen hands! All in all, the proceeds from the sale were enough to support one Beach Club for a year!”

Rowlette is hoping that this will encourage other KBC volunteers, donors and parents to hold their own estate sale or even regular garage sale and get creative to connect more and more kids to Christ by putting Bibles in their hands.

“I can envision the volunteers who work together in a certain KBC banding together for a garage sale to benefit their club.” Rowlette said. “Sometimes churches host rummage sales for various worthy causes. What cause is more worthy than this? We don’t all have extra money in our accounts to donate, but it seems everyone has things they really want to let go. Turn that junk into the treasure of God’s word by having a sale. I believe it will bless you as it blessed me.”



Jul 26 9:11 AM

KBC Hires Aldrich as First ‘Mobilizer’

Jul 26 9:11 AM
Jul 26 9:11 AM

KiDs Beach Club® has hired Stefanie Aldrich as its first mobilizer. She will be instrumental in development and growth strategies as the organization focuses on expansion into new territories. She will serve a dual role as a club relations specialist for the South Texas region, including Houston. 

Aldrich comes to KIDs Beach Club® with more than 10 years of experience in public relations, marketing, strategy and event management. Her business experience includes founder and strategic planner of Relev8 and as an event representative with Women of Faith. Her ministry experience includes women’s ministry director, special events planner and administrative assistant.

She has been married to Dan for 23 years. They love to travel and complete “DIY” projects together. The couple has three children – Alyssa, Stephen and Patrick – and two grandchildren – Averie and Sailor – with another grandson – Abram – on the way in September.

Aldrich is a champion of concept and commission; she believes it’s an exciting time to be a part of KiDs Beach Club®, witnessing its mission and vision expand for a generational impact.



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