Our Deepest Gratitude for Your Faithful Support 
Jan 27 11:07 AM

Our Deepest Gratitude for Your Faithful Support 

Jan 27 11:07 AM
Jan 27 11:07 AM

Thankfulness...a virtue we all teach our children, grandchildren, students—and often have to reteach ourselves. As time progresses, we realize just how many blessings the Lord has bestowed upon KiDs Beach Club®.

From our amazing students, to our TV episodic adventures of Beach Club at HOME!, we truly have been blessed beyond measure and have never lost faith that our bountiful Father would provide for our ministry. He has always fulfilled our needs. 

Even in a year of confusion and delay, with many of our clubs losing their host schools and many of our students remaining home, we still find our hope in God’s love for us and our students. 

Instead of looking back at the 2020 calendar to see what challenges stared us down, we see the hope of reaching thousands and thousands of children in 2021 in many new and fun ways. 

Our new TV series, Beach Club at HOME!, is surfing into the lives of our students, wherever they may be, to bring encouragement, scripture, positive role models, and more!

Great Treasure Day is also just around the corner as several of our churches who are presenting virtual Beach Clubs and some who are still able to conduct in-school Beach Clubs, prepare to give KBC Explorer's Study Bibles to children who don't have a Bible. 

We all have so much to be thankful for. 

KiDs Beach Club® would like to thank you for supporting us and contributing to our ministry. Your gifts truly do enable us to fulfill our financial needs and continue bringing scripture to children who otherwise might never have the opportunity.


You will always remain in our prayers, and remember that God is multiplying His Word far more than any of us could ever imagine. 

In the immortal words of the Psalmist,

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! 
Give thanks to him; bless his name!

Nov 19 10:38 AM

Meet our Newest Team Members!

Nov 19 10:38 AM
Nov 19 10:38 AM

Beach Club at HOME! is splashing into kids’ lives all across the nation!

For those who have not already visited Jeremy and Jennifer—our Beach Club at HOME! leaders—and the kids over at the clubhouse, allow us to introduce you!


Jeremy is our goofy group leader who leads in our games and engages with the kids on-screen to help themuse their character word in their daily lives. Every week under the alias of Fink Martinstein he hosts “Make It Stick”, the exciting game show-style game where the kids can answer questions on their verse and character word. 



Jennifer is the other volunteer who often brings up the scripture she has rigorously been studying. She encourages and always brings a smile to the Club members. She helps in games and the entire club session. 

Matt is one of the loveable and quirky Beach Club kids. Matt is an encouraging friend, and while he often forgets to say hello to Cody, he always has the best of intentions. In the first episode, he struggles with being
dependable, and after losing his dog Penelope, he learns an important lesson about striving to be the dependable young man God wants him to be. His natural leadership talents shine through whenever the group gets into a tough situation. 


Amy is the intelligent and polite member of the group who enjoys reading and finding solutions whenever any of her friends come across a problem in their lives. She often brings reasonable answers and even helps Cody get his Baseball practice scheduled to help him be more orderly.  



Emma is the excitable, youngest member of the bunch. Her comedic timing is always right on cue, giving her pals a good laugh, and often bearing an ironic sense of humor. Her lovable smile and pure sense of friendship helps her instill confidence in her friends. 




Cody is the athletic and witty member of the crew, often providing a laugh for his friends. He is quick to think of ways he can use each week's character word in his daily life. In episode two, he struggles with the thought that maybe he is not good enough for the coming baseball tryouts, and he needs to learn how to have orderliness in his life. 



Pastor Mark shares the scripture in story form for our students every episode. He not only helps with the memory verse, but relates some of the most amazing moments in Biblical history to support the memory verse. In every episode he directs the kids’ attention to the option they have to make Jesus their Forever Friend!



Of course, all of our Beach Club at HOME! episodes are FUN and FREE!

Parents, all you have to do is click here to register your child so they too can enjoy and join the fun of Beach Club at HOME!

We hope you and your kids can join Jeremy, Jennifer, Matt, Amy, Emma, Cody, and Pastor Mark for all of the weekly fun over at the clubhouse!

Nov 12 3:19 PM

COVID Can’t Stop the Church!

Nov 12 3:19 PM
Nov 12 3:19 PM

Let’s face it: COVID-19 has disrupted many of our plans this year. Events have been cancelled, family reunions have been postponed, and schools’ opening protocols remain a huge puzzle. It’s sometimes hard for us to know how to move forward at times like this, but for Chris and Lisa, a Children's Pastor and his assistant, as well as Beach Club volunteers, this has been a time of action!

Chris Burton and Lisa Willis serve in the Children's Ministry at Cross City Church in Euless, Texas. This vibrant church hosts not one, not two, not even three Beach Clubs—but seven! Through this extensive ministry partnership, together we’ve reached just under two hundred children each year with the Gospel. 

Their ministry was vast and appeared to keep growing until COVID-19 entered the picture. But with so many things closing, one might conclude that Chris and Lisa would close their ministry until things returned to normal, right?

On the contrary! They doubled down on their outreach to the families and kids, and they developed a strategy to further their ministry in ways they had never previously imagined. 

First, they started Zoom online classes to keep up the connection with the kids. Then they developed their four-step process to engage kids and their families through this COVID time: 

  1. KiDs Beach Club® (KBC) takes the first step and engages with Beach Club families, sending weekly invitations to the parents of more than 10,000 Beach Club students each week to register and view the new Beach Club at HOME! TV shows, a fun and free way they can connect with their friends and Jesus!
  2. Once the students login to watch Beach Club at HOME! on the KBC website, that student's activity is registered in a data base where the partnering church can access attendance information for the students who are engaged with the weekly TV episodes.  This gives the church a good idea who to contact.
  3. Next, the volunteers ask the parents if they can drop by for a porch visit with various gifts for the kids, which may include fidget spinners, small toys, candy, fun crafts, and more. 
  4. From there, Beach Club volunteers connect with the parents to invite the family to attend the partnering church, either in person or online, and welcome them to join the community! 

This process they've designed is not only a fulfillment of the KBC mission to mobilize the church to go outside its walls in order to take the message of Jesus Christ into the heart of its community but also KBC's vision to provide pre-teen students a Jesus experience within the culture of their public school. Even if school is primarilty at home these days, Beach Club at HOME! is keeping kids connected to the fun they are used to having in their in person Beach Club and great churches like Cross City Church in Euless is establishing and deepening meaningful relationships that will last far longer than this temporary pandemic.

You can see ALL of the Beach Club at HOME! episodes on the KBC You Tube Page, www.youtube.com/kidsbeachclub.

Sep 16 5:33 PM

Rave Reviews for First Rise UP 4 KiDs Event

Sep 16 5:33 PM
Sep 16 5:33 PM


KiDs Beach Club® has taken a leap of faith this year. Since the founding of the ministry in 2003, we have purchased over 66,000 Bibles and gifted them to preteens across America in the public school system. 

Under normal circumstances, KiDs Beach Club® hosts an annual fundraiser event, Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinnerto offset the cost of these Bibles. This event has historically been held at the Texas Motor Speedway where participants have enjoyed rides around the track before relaxing with us for a delicious dinner and hearing inspiring messages from our guest speakers. 

While this event has always been an exceptional treat for our guests and staff alike, having fun has never been the main goal of the Bibles for Beach Club Benefit Dinner.  Rather, the goal is to raise the much-needed funds to get these Bibles into the hands of more and more kids each year.  

This year, we were thrown a curveball with COVID-19 forcing the cancellation of our in-person event. Our Bibles were ordered and on their way, so we still needed to raise the funds tosupport our mission of spreading the gospel in our schools. 

Every year at the benefit dinner, we receive generous and critical donations that make our gift to these children possible, but this year we were faced with the question of how to pivot around the inability to host our event live. We needed to get more creative in how we would continue God’s work.

Undersanting the COVID-19 restrictions placed on large group meetings, we stepped out in faith and decided to move the entire event online in an event called, Rise UP 4 KiDs! You can watch the hour long online virtual celebration by clicking here.

We dove into re-imagining the event to be a user-friendly and enjoyable experience for our supporters. We planned multiple gift card giveaways, fun trivia games, and more interactive events for our guests to participate in. George Barna graciously agreed to remain as our guest speaker for the virtual event, just as he would have been in-person. 

We also included a segment from our founder Jack Terrell. The stage was set, and we eagerly awaited the evening which would kick off this year's Rise UP 4 KiDs event. 

Finally, the night of Sunday, August 30th arrived. With a prayer that our event would be well-received far and wide, we went live, streaming both on KidsBeachClub.org and on Facebook. Throughout the evening between 400 and 600 hundred people viewed the event with many giving generously to help our efforts.

The audience participated in the interactive portions of the evening, and we heard a lot of approving comments. 

The entire event lived up to our highest expectations and was an inspiring, successful, and fun evening. 

But the highlight of the evening was the gifts of $222,550 to our Rise UP 4 KiDs fund! The night was a roaring success, but our work is not over yet. 

The Rise UP 4 KiDs campaign continues in September to reach our goal of $500,000. And we need all hands on deck to reach that necessary amount. That's why we need your help to assist in our ministry and to help get Bibles and the good news in the hands and hearts of kids across the nation and now even around the world. 

You can explore how easy it is to become a fundraiser as part of the campaign by clicking here.

We’re praising God for what He has done and continues to do through generous gifts from our faithful supporters like you!

Sep 16 4:49 PM

A Call for All Volunteers to Rise UP 4 KiDs

Sep 16 4:49 PM
Sep 16 4:49 PM

KiDs Beach Club® stays fueled by the drive and passion of our many volunteers who selflessly give of their time to bring the Gospel to the kids of America's public schools.

These wonderful men and women are often the unsung heroes of the entire KBC family. From engaging with the kids, to being the responsible adult when things don’t always go according to plan, they are the ones truly making Jesus cool in school!

It is such an immense blessing to have each one of our phenomenal volunteers helping us in our mission. And we need the help of our volunteers now in a fun and special way. 

This year has been a roller coaster for us all, but KiDs Beach Club® is making big moves so we don’t lose ministry momentum. The game may have changed, but our goal remains the same.  

This year we will continue to deliver Bibles to all our clubs so that every Beach Club will have access to the Word of God, forever. We are in the process of creating a network quality TV show called "Beach Club at HOME! which will allow all of our Beach Club students and their friends to watch from the comfort of their own homes.  These 24 weekly episodes can be seen by simpling logging on each week to kidsbeachclub.org/online.

An exciting technological feature will provide our church partners to maximize their outreach possibilities to track student attendence and continue to communicate as the students continue to learn from home. This new technology will allow them to contact the parents of anyone who logs into Beach Club at HOME!, assisting these churches to minister to every student. By doing this, we ensure our new students won’t feel as though they have been overlooked or forgotten. 

These changes will be an upgrade that will help further bring the Gospel to each and every child who attends Beach Club. The stage is set. The Bibles have arrived in our warehouse and are ready to be shipped to our students as they participate in Beach Club at HOME! or in person at some public schools.

While many of our KBC volunteers await for the public schools to open up to after-school activities so they can continue to serve the Lord, there is a new way to help us continue to make Jesus cool in school. 

Please consider joining us as an online fundraiser.  It's very easy to do!  Learn more by clicking hereThis is a way everyone can stay involved and help to reach more kids for Jesus. 

We need your support to ensure that every boy and girl in Beach Club can receive a Bible of their very own. We’re nearly halfway to our goal already, and your partnership in this simple fundraising effort can help us cross the finish line.

The time to act is now as the Rise UP 4 KiDs campaign continues through September. If you would like to help us in our time of need, click here.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” —Jesus

Sep 16 4:40 PM

Taking Community Ministry to a Whole New Level

Sep 16 4:40 PM
Sep 16 4:40 PM

Five years ago, an idea entered First Baptist Church of Burleson in Burleson, Texas—an idea that would change not only the community, but how the churches in that community unite to accomplish feats that no single church could hope to accomplish. This idea was hosting a Beach Club. 

Arlene Holland became a member at First Baptist Church of Burleson with her husband after years of teaching in a California school system. She quickly began volunteering in the Sunday school classrooms but was not too eager to return to a regular school teaching position. Yet when she heard the church was starting a Beach Club, she knew she could help and volunteered to serve. 

The church partnered with KiDs Beach Club® the first year with one club, but they soon found themselves hosting two clubs in two different elementary schools. However, after two whole semesters, the church made a startling discovery.

“There are a total of 10 elementary schools here in Burleson, and the folks at KBC told me that there were two other churches attempting to host clubs of their own,” Arelene says. “And so between the three churches, we now have clubs in four of the ten schools.” Just like that, the First Baptist of Burleson, Fort Worth First Church of the Nazarene, and Burleson Bible Church—becoming a united front of sorts—invaded the public schools of Burleson, Texas. The Beach Club volunteers from all three churches began meeting regularly to discuss plans and events, and to inquire how they all might help and support one another. 

The impact of KiDs Beach Club® did not stop there. The staff at First Baptist of Burleson kept up the momentum and reached out to other churches in the area to see if they would be interested in supporting clubs of their own. They also talked with the school principals, many of whom were interested in having a Beach Club at their school if they could find a church partner. 

This ministry momentum was becoming a force in Burleson until a certain virus erupted. Did COVID-19 complicate things? Of course. Did it stop them? Absolutely not. 

Arlene and the rest of the First Baptist of Burleson team, along with their brothers and sisters from Fort Worth First Church of the Nazarene and Burleson Bible Church, saw the pandemic as an opportunity instead of a burden. They began brainstorming how to turn this time, which the vast majority of the world regarded as a pandemic, into a possibility. When the schools announced they would be going digital, the churches began holding their clubs online. Together they took advantage of what KiDs Beach Club® was offering with Beach Club at HOME!, six online episodes to provide students a sense of normalcy, even though they were now learning at home.

As kids began watching, they started inviting friends from other elementary schools. Soon the word began to spread as the clubs expanded beyond the traditional physical walls of each school. Now they have children from several other elementary schools engaging online, giving a unique opportunity for other churches to get involved at those other schools. This group of churches is truly taking community ministry to a whole new level, and they didn’t let financial concerns hold them back during this season. When the question of financial stability arose in a recent meeting among the churches, they decided there was only one thing to do. As Arlene puts it, “Our church is blessed in that we put the word out and God provides, and so we have always said in all of this, let's not let money be the issue, God's gonna provide that one way or another.”

Together they are rising above the COVID-19 obstacles. Instead of arguing over who’s in charge or disputing over ministry “turf”, these churches have set a precedent that the entire Christian community can and should follow. Just as Christ said in Matthew 5:16, “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.” 

“After the meeting last week,” Arlene says, “all the churches wanted to join together and agreed, ‘Yeah, let's conquer Burleson! Let's see what God can do.'" KiDs Beach Club® is privileged to be part of what God is doing, especially during this pandemic in Burleson and beyond.

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