Jul 09 12:02 PM

Connecting with Families

Jul 09 12:02 PM
Jul 09 12:02 PM

One of our super volunteers, Tara Seidman, shares two opportunities she had to connect with family members of Beach Clubbers and minister to them personally.

I met with a momma of a brand new Beach Clubber.  Her daughter had come for the first time and started crying at the end of my lesson, during the prayer.  Her grandmother had passed away and I think the quiet moment triggered those emotions.  This family doesn't go to church and her tears were an open door for me to connect with this mom.

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May 29 11:05 AM

A Teacher, Students and the Truth

May 29 11:05 AM
May 29 11:05 AM

Angie, one of the Beach Club leaders in Caddo Mills, Texas is also a teacher at the school.  One morning Angie was visiting with a younger student and he shared some very disheartening information about his home life with her. Angie’s heart was breaking for this little boy and his family.  She knows the only true hope for him is Jesus.  This little boy does not attend Beach Club and she was thinking of ways she could infuse God’s truth into his life and then it hit her …

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May 14 3:22 PM

Reaching Kids Where You Find Them Most

May 14 3:22 PM
May 14 3:22 PM

KiDs Beach Club® continues to make Jesus Cool at School!™  We celebrate incredible growth having 97 active clubs across seven states this school year.  The vision “to provide every 3rd through 6th grade boy and girl a Jesus experience within the culture of their public school” is gaining momentum.

This goal is achieved with the help of generous donations from many friends and ministry partners.  These contributions make it possible for the 7,500+ children enrolled to experience Jesus in the safety of their elementary school.  In the 2012 - 2013 school year, our church partners have witnessed 727 children make Jesus their “forever friend.”  Taking all the years of Beach Club into account, that number grows to almost 4,400. That is a lot of children coming to Christ!  That is what transforms the culture of our schools.

Jack Terrell, Founder and President of KiDs Beach Club®, is often asked, “Jack, do you really give children in a school cafeteria or gym the opportunity to trust Christ? … How?”

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Apr 23 11:27 AM

Opening Doors and Changing Lives

Apr 23 11:27 AM
Apr 23 11:27 AM

Melanie Ekblad, Elementary Ministry Director at Brookhaven Church in McKinney, Texas shares with us how KiDs Beach Club® has infused their ministry.

“Beach Club has renewed a sense of our calling that we have as Christians to go to where the lost are.  In a school system that had never allowed a Christian group to meet, the Lord opened a door through Beach Club for us to minister to kids that otherwise might not hear the gospel. It amazes me that some children today don’t even know who God is and have never been exposed to His love and grace. Through Beach Club our church and volunteers have seen many lives changed, including their own watching the transformation of children’s lives.  In one semester of Beach Club we saw 23 kids give their lives to Christ. We have seen kids begin to desire to know the Lord; they are reading their bibles, attending Sunday services, going to camp and even leading friends to the Lord.  It’s amazing what the Lord will do if we are faithful to His call.  We thank the Lord for the blessings He has given us through Beach Club and letting us be a part of His work.”

Mar 21 4:12 PM

Faithful Servant

Mar 21 4:12 PM
Mar 21 4:12 PM

Mike Ackerman has been involved with KiDs Beach Club® for several years.  Mike has served as the worship leader at Shady Oaks Elementary School since Beach Club was introduced there seven years ago.  Mike shares that he takes seriously his commitment to serve each week, but admits that sometimes when the kids get, well, lets say, a bit over-excited he finds himself asking, “Lord, why me?”  He found himself asking that question on more than one occasion, but never really getting an answer.  It certainly didn’t deter him from serving, but he really wondered “why?” sometimes. 

Approximately four years into pondering that question Mike heard God’s response loud and clear.  “He [God] said to me, ‘Kids need a positive male role model in their lives that will help lead them to Christ.’  I just sat there and said, wow!”  Sometimes working with kiddos full of energy can be overwhelming.  When we step back and see the big picture and remember the main reason why we do the things we do it makes even the challenging times worth it.  Mike has said that he’s sure he does plenty of things in life that are probably a waste of time, but KiDs Beach Club® is not one of them. 

A special Thank You goes out to Mike and all the volunteers who faithfully serve each week.  You are welcoming kiddos into a safe place and showing them the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.  You are making a difference!

Mar 11 10:58 AM

Feeling Frazzled?

Mar 11 10:58 AM
Mar 11 10:58 AM

In our recent workshop led by Robin Dembicki of Dallas Bible Church, we learned that there is hope for ministering to high-need children.

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